Article on new species published in scientific publishing
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Biologists representing Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov, worked in the Tver oblast together with colleagues from other countries, have discovered a new species of fungi. He got the name Entoloma krutiсianum and that is inedible.
Discovered the fungus lives in the mosses of spruce forests. The instance that failed to find a scientist, grew in the vicinity of the village of Krutitsy, Staritsky district. Experts
a Scientific expedition, in which was discovered a fungus that took place more than a year ago, but its results were announced only recently. As the researchers note, their finding shows that even in relatively well studied from the point places sometimes you can find mushrooms which were not before known to science. According to scientists, this fact confirms the need to further study the diversity and ecology of fungi. It is most relevant for specially protected natural areas, biologists say.
the Results of the study were published in the scientific journal persoonia is.
Scientists continue to find new species in almost all parts of the world, including in quite unexpected places, and this is true not only of fungi. For example, recently almost simultaneously became aware of two discoveries of this kind: experts from the University of Oviedo found on the coast of Havana sologubenko a new species of mollusk that can change color, and another group of scientists from several countries have identified a new species of Gibbon living in the tropical forests in the South-West of China. Both discoveries have attracted wide attention of journalists and the General public, including, for the reason that new species have a rather unusual notation mollusc Jorunna davidbowiei in honor of the deceased in 2016, musician David Bowie, and Gibbon — Hoolock tianxing in honor of the Luke Skywalker character’s fantastic Saga “Star wars.” And last fall, a group of ornithologists under the direction of Gary Walker from the University of Texas A& M found in Africa three species of birds, one of which performed a unique and not previously encountered professionals song.
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