Monday, January 16, 2017

Russian scientists have created nanoparticles that can effectively destroy cancer – Moskovsky Komsomolets

the method combines the two approaches

Today at 16:34, views: 433

a New type of nanoparticle that can be filled with drugs and used to deliver toxic substances into cancer tumors, was developed by Russian and Finnish experts. Test development on mice were successful.

Российские ученые создали наночастицы, способные эффективно уничтожать рак


As said Andrei Kudryavtsev Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, recently nanoparticles both organic and inorganic, are increasingly being used in the fight against cancer. While sometimes they themselves help in therapy, acting as a kind of “target” for the immune cells or laser radiation, and sometimes acts as a means of drug delivery to the tumor, reducing the dose needed for complete destruction of cancer cells.

Nanoparticles of silicon, created by experts, they combine the advantages of both methods. They can be filled with any substance and it will be delivered to the desired point, not harming healthy tissues. Scientists coated the nanoparticles with a special heat sensitive polymer to maintain stability at certain temperatures. When the capsule has reached the purpose, illuminated by special laser or radioizlucheniya. The nanoparticles released their contents and are subsequently decomposed by the body without causing him harm, in contrast to the sometimes used particles with such a purpose particles of metal.

Experiments on mice showed that nanoparticles do effectively destroy the cancer cells and minimally act on the surrounding healthy tissue. Currently, the specialists selecting the optimum size of the particles, their concentration and other parameters to make the treatment with their help, the most safe and effective for humans.

Scientists have published an article on its development, in Journal of Controlled Release.


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