Monday, January 23, 2017

Russian scientists will create a “flying car” is True.Ru

Three million roubles allocates the Foundation for advanced studies for the development of the aircraft vertical takeoff designed for both passenger and freight traffic.

According to project Manager Ian Chibisova, usability and accessibility of runways it needs to be, metaphorically, the “flying car”.

the Organizers hope that this will create a demonstrator of the aircraft vertical or super-short takeoff (with pad 50×50 meters), designed for the carriage of passengers and cargo weighing from 100 to 1,000 kg

the Results of the competition for the development of PEF plans to bring the 5 of may. The winners will be awarded a contract worth 3 million rubles for the creation of preliminary design – design and experimental validation of the proposed ideas. As a next step it is planned to develop the project on creation and flight tests of the demonstrator.

“We hope that we will have not one winner, and would be delighted to from the contest came several projects, each of which has its own niche,” – said lapwing.

He noted that such a device will be important primarily for rescue operations. In the “flying car” should be implemented a function of unmanned and remote control, and manual piloting. “A pilot needs to be a simple man, the level of training which is just a few hours,” – said lapwing.

As explained in PEF, the authors of ideas can proceed in their work from the gyros, convertiplanes and multicopters. Proposals on the basis of helicopters are not accepted. “Permitted schemes with the idea of the main rotor in horizontal flight, to avoid being hit by a wave of projects helicopters,” – said lapwing.

Recall how to tell the Truth.Ru, the company AeroMobil from Slovakia in 2014 he released the third generation flying car AeroMobil 3.0. Double “flying car” with a steel frame and by carbon fiber body has a unique design.

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In the incarnation of the car, he takes a standard Parking space, uses regular gasoline and is suitable for use on public roads as any other car. But he can turn into a real plane and use for takeoff and landing airfield or strip hard surface with a length of only a few hundred meters.

the AeroMobil 3.0 is equipped with folding wings and Rotax 912 engine, which accelerates the car to 160 km/h on road and 200 km/h, in the sky. On the track “flying car” consumes 8 liters of gasoline per 100 km, and the air is 15 liters per hour. The reserve mode of the car is 875 km, while in airplane mode a little less than 700 km.


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