Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The oldest ancestor of humans was similar to toothy “bag” – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Paleontologists have found in China the remains of primitive multi-celled creatures, similar to the kind of toothy “bags”. These creatures claim to be the oldest ancestors of man, vertebrates and sea urchins, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.

“In the past we have been able to find many fossils, the most ancient eras of life on Earth, including the remains of the earliest fish and other animals vtorichnaya. The discovery of fossil organisms Saccorhytus allowed to look at the very first stage of evolution of that group of animals which gave birth to fish and eventually us,” said Shu Degan (Degan Shu) from northwestern University in XI’an (China).

Most modern bands and types of animals came about 540-520 million years ago in the era of the so-called Cambrian explosion — the rapid acceleration of evolution and increasing diversity of multicellular creatures. At this time there appeared the ancestors of worms, insects, fish and other vertebrates.

the Ancestors of humans, land animals and fish are considered vtorichnaya animals, the most primitive representatives of which are sea stars and sea urchins. Other multicellular organisms — insects, worms, and shellfish are among PERVICHNAYA animals.

© Photo: Museum of paleontology Orlov

the Main difference from vtorichnaya PERVICHNAYA is that with the development of the embryo in their mouth and anal hole, figuratively speaking, are reversed. Embryonic mouth becomes anus, and a new mouth is formed at the opposite end of the embryo. Scientists have long been interested in how there was such a permutation.

Shu and his colleagues found a possible answer to this question, by studying the unusual deposits of oil shale in Shanxi province. These rocks were formed during the Cambrian explosion (circa 520-510 million years ago) on the territory of modern China. They were formed at the bottom of the primary ocean of the Earth with almost no oxygen, so they still keep the prints of even the soft tissues of the bodies of ancient animals.

Exploring these deposits, Chinese and American paleontologists found the remains of an unusual animal — a small oval structure with a length of one millimeter, similar to a bag with a “toothy” edges. It was named Saccorhytus coronarius, which translates from Latin as “wrinkled bag with the crown.”

As said Shu, his team had to “sift” about three tons of rocks since the first of the remains Saccorhytus coronarius in order to find the complete remains and to understand which group of animals do these creatures belong to.

the scientists ‘ Interest was caused by the fact that they could not understand where is the anus of this creature. After analyzing several dozen fossils, Shu and his colleagues came to the conclusion that Saccorhytus coronarius. This suggests that paleontologists managed to find the oldest animal voicenote.

© Photo: Danielle Dufault

These organisms, as scientists assume, had something like gills, traces of which can be seen in the form of conical structures on his skin. Through them “the bag” let the water which is swallowed with food. Subsequently, these cones could turn into the Gill arch and then to the jaw and nose of the first fish marking the beginning of human evolution, which will appear on Earth through 519,8 million years after hitting “toothy bags” in shale of Cambrian annals.


Scientists have found a brain center for love – TASS

MOSCOW, January 30. /TASS/. American scientists have managed to “highlight” in the brain of mice small cluster sensitive to hormones, neurons, which are responsible for the formation of interest to members of the opposite sex.

the study is published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

“These neurons mainly take sensory and hormonal signals and broadcast them in a reasoned social behavior,” – said the head of research Garrett, Stuber from Medical school at the University of North Carolina. His words are in the press release of the University.

the Object of the study was preoptičeskoj medial region of the hypothalamus of the mouse brain. First, the researchers studied the signals that this area sends the ventral region of tyre of the midbrain that produces the neurotransmitter dopamine and involved in the formation of dependencies. It turned out that took the signals from the neurons of the tire in most of them also Express estrogen receptors and therefore may be sensitive to cyclical changes of hormones produced by the ovaries of the mouse, the so-called cycle of estrus.

the researchers Then conducted experiments on live mice. It turned out that is the female test subjects to smell the urine of male, in her brain there is a significant excitation of neurons of the medial preoptičeskoj area. It was stronger when in blood of the females was a lot of estrogen or estrogen in combination with progesterone, that usually happens when a juvenile enters into a Mature age.

“On this basis, we make the assumption that some neurons in the brain may specialize in obtaining social rewards non-social to bypass. To the processing of social cues is strongly influenced by circulating hormones,” notes study co-author Jenna McHenry.

Using optogenetics, that is, introducing into the brain of animals with special channels that respond to excitation light, the scientists were able to artificially stimulate the neural activity of the medial preoptičeskoj area, which led to the release of dopamine. After such interference on the part of people, both male and female mice showed a greater interest in the opposite sex than other rodents, which does not stimulate.

“overall, our findings suggest that neurons of the medial preoptičeskoj area help to create a mechanism of social attraction to a potential partner,” sums up Stuber.

breaking news

January 31, 8:00

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January 31, 8:00

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Jens Stoltenberg

on 31 Jan, 12:38

NATO in February to strengthen presence in the Black sea region

on 31 Jan, 12:38

Alexander Fomin

on 31 Jan, 12:03

the head of the FSMTC Alexander Fomin was appointed Deputy defense Minister.

on 31 Jan, 12:03


The 2nd law of thermodynamics may be violated in the quantum world, Scientists – YOUR CITY Pskov

the Law of non-decreasing entropy in closed systems, which is one of the popular formulations of the 2nd law of thermodynamics can be violated, said the pr-service of the Moscow physical – technical Institute.

Explaining what this means in essence, Gordey Lesovik from the Moscow physical-technical Institute resorts to the image of Cinderella, whose stepmother makes disassemble mixed lentils and peas. This can occur in quantum systems is relatively small, but macroscopic size — centimeters and even meters. “We can “clean up” state due to quantum effects,” explains Gordey Lesovik from the Moscow Institute of physics and technology in Dolgoprudnyy, quoted in pr-service of MIPT. In other words, we move through four-dimensional space only in one direction along the time axis, and “rewind” time back is impossible. For example, this process is manifested in the fact how the state of energy of the Universe.

an international group of researchers including the staff of the MIPT and the RAS suggested that in the quantum world, this law can be violated and entropy can decrease in a quantum system. This principle, which scientists often call the “second law of thermodynamics”, is considered inviolable rule governing the life of the whole Universe at all levels. In quantum information theory have been obtained the main results describing the conditions under which the entropy of the system does not decrease.

In 1870-ies the principle of growth of entropy (disorder) was formulated by Ludwig Boltzmann in his so-called H-theorem, it says that the entropy in a closed system either increases or remains constant.

a group under the control of the man for the first time formulated the H-theorem in the language of quantum physics, and for several years tried to find her evidence. Every time scientists thought they handled the evidence of the H-theorem, they found a new “hole” in their own calculations that ultimately convinced the researchers that the entropy may not only remain at the previous level or rise, but decrease. Such action represents a decrease in entropy in the system, so the “classic Cinderella in an isolated system” with the task of coping would, “quantum” could. As it turned out, something similar may happen at the moment, if you put a charged particle in a hallway with 2 outputs from it, each of which includes a source of magnetic field which interacts with the spin of the particle. Within the framework of traditional physics to substantiate this theory still failed, but scientists have suggested that it may be true from the point of view o f quantum physics.

According to his idea for a creature, later called “Maxwell’s demon” who was guarding the door between the 2 rooms. Maxwell’s demon passed through the door between the rooms, only the “fast” molecules, leaving the threshold of “slow”. In the end, all the “fast” molecules were in one room, slow in the other, the temperature difference could be used for practical purposes.

According to Forrester, the researchers soon plan to conduct experimental verification of this effect. This experiment opens the possibility of creating quantum refrigerators and motors updated type.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Native co-founder of “Soho” by Sergey Tkachenko on his death: “He defended his innocence and feelings to the beloved” – Komsomolskaya Pravda

this Sunday’s Moscow in a high-rise building on Shmitovsky was a terrible tragedy. Eyewitnesses photographed as a young man with great difficulty keeps in the window sill, and then slip and fall.

As it turned out, the misfortune happened to the Manager of a fashionable Soho Rooms club Sergey Tkachenko. In the Network immediately appeared a lot of conflicting information – could not set the floor, which Jeff fell (say, 16-th, 19-th, 20-th), then say so man “flirted with death”, tried to commit suicide. But relatives of Sergey have decided to dot the “I” and told what happened that day.

“on the Morning of 29 January in the apartment of Sergei Tkachenko there was a quarrel between him and his girlfriend in which Sergey defended his innocence and feelings for his beloved. In a rush, he jumped on the sill of one of the rooms, where, by horrible coincidence, there was a window open, not retaining the balance, Sergei was on the other side of the window, but managed to grab the frame. Sergei kept outdoors in temperatures below 5 degrees, attempted to climb in the window, but physical strength is not enough. After 10 minutes the hands of Sergei could not resist and he fell down. What the outcome of these tragic events, everyone already knows. Farewell to Sergey Tkachenko will take place on Wednesday, Derbentskom cemetery. From the face of the family of the deceased, request to stop the gossip and speculation that completely distort the actual events and discredit the name of an honest and believing perso n.”

Sergei was known in the club industry and as a DJ, musician and as a promoter. Thanks to him, appeared and became popular clubs such as Opera, “infinity”, “R&B” cafe. Not to mention the super-popular at the time, the club Soho Rooms on Savvinskaya embankment, which is still functioning and attracts trendy young people who are ready to deal with strict face-control. According to his relatives, Sergei he helped people a lot, never smoked, almost never drank alcohol, so stories about the fact that he’s “all night courage” does not have grounds.


“MegaFon” started the business because of the prices in roaming CNews.ru

FAS began roaming “Megaphone”

the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) announced the initiation of administrative proceedings against the cellular operator “MegaFon”. The case related to the declared “MegaFon” in December 2016, higher roaming prices.

Then the operator increased prices for roaming in 38 countries in an amount of from 20% to 2200%. At the same time, as noted in the FAS, other operators that are in a comparable relationship with foreign roaming partners, prices are not increased.

Why MegaFon raises prices

At the end of 2016 “MegaFon” has divided European countries into four roaming zones due to changes in roaming partners, rates for interconnection. Roaming prices for subscribers has changed based on these zones. The average increase was 5.8 times.

the FAS initiated a case upon the increase of the “MegaFon” price for international roaming.

“for a Long time our prices were much lower than the competition, but the decline in consumption of roaming services, currency appreciation, rising prices of roaming partners forced us to revise base rates – said in “the Megaphone”. – Thus, now the basic price of MegaFon comparable to the prices of other Russian operators and service parts and directions is even lower. In addition, we have decreased the cost of mobile Internet in some countries and decreased the cost of the voice packet solutions”.

MTS decided not to argue with the FAS

At the end of 2016, the operator “Mobile TeleSystems” (MTS) was also going to raise the price of roaming. It was announced that on December 9, 2016 roaming tariffs in 39 countries will increase by the amount of 13%.

However, after this, the FAS were interested in annaprasana roaming and made the request in the MTS. As a result, MTS has refused to raise fares. Deputy head of the FAS Anatoly Golomolzin explained that just intervention service.

at the same time the FAS made inquiries regarding the price of roaming to the other three largest mobile operators: MegaFon, VimpelCom and Tele2. The FAS explained that it was intention to warn about the “danger of unlawful action.” However, “MegaFon” decided to increase tariffs.


In the Park “Zaryadye” in Moscow found the locket of the XVI century with a Tudor rose – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, 30 Jan — RIA Property. In the center of Moscow in the southern part of Zaryadye Park, archaeologists found a medallion of the XVI century, which is made of an alloy of lead and tin, and its diameter is about 5 centimeters, according to the website of the municipality.

“the Old product is decorated with the emblem of the Tudor rose, the heraldic symbol of the Royal dynasty of England”, — stated in the materials. During the reign of the Tudors, from 1485 to 1603, the logo a dual red and white roses (the symbol of reconciliation of two warring Royal dynasties of Lancaster and York) was applied to coins, hats, medallions and even playing chips.

they added that during the research it was also discovered the inscription “Dieu et mon droit” (“God and my right”). In addition, bears the date 1590. Engraved on the medallion is the phrase already 700 years and is the official motto of the British monarchy.

Perhaps this archaeological find linked to the activities of the Old English court, a building which is located on Varvarka. It existed in charge in the XVI century, the report said.

it added that earlier in the “Zaryadye” discovered a hoard of silver coins, and preserved from the great streets, wooden bridges and log homes.

the Zaryadye Park is created near the Kremlin on the site of the demolished hotel “Russia”. It will be organized four natural areas with artificial microclimate. The cost of the project financed from the budget of Moscow makes more than 13 billion rubles.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Internet audience in Russia has ceased to grow – 3DNews

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SC began checking on the fact of the possible death of the founder Soho Rooms – RBC


Anna Rudyak

SK has begun check upon the possible death of the founder Soho Rooms

Photo: Oleg Yakovlev/RBC

the Investigative Committee has initiated a preliminary inquiry into the death of a man who fell from the window of a multistory building in Moscow. According to the source TASS, he was one of the founders of the nightclub Soho Rooms.

Investigators began checking on the fact of death of the man fell from the window of the building in the center of Moscow, is spoken in the message of the Department of the TFR in the capital.

according to the source TASS in law enforcement bodies, the man, presumably, was one of the founders of the Moscow night club Soho Rooms.

According to the report of the TFR, “on the visor of one of the houses on Shmitovsky proezd, it was discovered the body of 41-year-old man”. Injuries that were suffered by the victim consistent with falling from a great height, — the message says.

as a result of the received traumas the man died at the scene, said the Investigative Committee. Investigators establish the circumstances and causes of the incident, the audit will be a procedural decision, made in the TFR.


The Japanese dropped on Earth by space debris – The Russian Times

First cleaning space debris will begin today in space. On Friday 18.46 Moscow time from the International space station was disconnected, the Japanese cargo ship “Stork” 700-foot “tail”-a rope. This fixture will provide space and cleaning.

Japanese unmanned cargo ship “Kounotori-6″ (jap. “AIST-6″) has received a new task in space. The Japanese aerospace exploration Agency (JAXA) reported that the ship successfully undocked from the International space station, where he arrived in December of last year and started to experiment on removing space debris from orbit of the planet, reports Joinfo.ua with reference to TASS.

soon the ship will sink to 20 km and released into orbit cylindrical body weighing about 20 kg, which will simulate space debris. After this 700-foot wire, which helped develop the manufacturers of fishing nets from the Japanese Prefecture of Hiroshima, it will be energized. Created electromagnetic field, as planned by the scientists, should slow down the object and bring it into the dense layers of the atmosphere where it will burn.

According to the information prepared for Pointmedia journalist Georgy Poltavchuk, the experiment will last about a week, and already on 6 February, “Kounotori-6″ he will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere. If the test is successful, JAXA intends to use such devices for cleaning orbits at altitudes of 800 to 1400 km, where the debris is especially a lot.

According to estimates by UN experts, our world rotates about 300 thousand different unused artificial objects weighing up to 5000 tons. In JAXA had calculated that among them there are about 18 thousand objects with a diameter up to 10 cm


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Japanese the van started to experiment on cleaning space junk – news Samara

At the end of the working week at 18.46 GMT from the International space station was disconnected, the Japanese cargo ship “Stork” 700-foot “tail”rope””.

on 13 December of the previous year, the unit arrived on the ISS, and at the moment undocked and preparing for a two-week experiment of cleaning of space debris. Cylinder during the passage of the dense layers of the atmosphere must burn.

Rehearsal the first cleaning space debris began today, Friday, at 18.46 UTC. Then it will be energized at the 700-metre cord.

As you know, since the launch of Earth’s first artificial objects, it has accumulated tens of thousands of fragments of exhaust and emergency spacecraft.

Users of microblogging network Twitter responded to a report that the Japanese professionals began to first experiment the cleaning space debris from Earth’s orbit. We will remind, before the same international space station was forced to conduct evasive maneuvers from the meeting with the cloud of fragments of satellites and parts of rockets. If all goes as planned, and a prototype of the debris will burn in the dense layers of the atmosphere, in the future, “tailed” vans, the Japanese will clean the orbit from debris frequently.


Rogozin sees no connection between the crash of “Progress” and the situation at VMZ – RIA Novosti

VORONEZH, January 28 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, during inspection of the aircraft Il-112 at the VASO plant said the lack of communication between the accident on the cargo ship “Progress” in December and the violations that were found on “Voronezh mekhzavod”.

“it is not because those engines that are used in the third stage (booster) “proton” and the third stage (booster, deducing in space “Advances”) “Union”, they are produced in Voronezh. But they are different engines, and testing has shown that failures of technology, the substitution, in fact, I believe criminal substitution of documents, which tried to mislead the Khrunichev Center… But these things are not connected, so actually managed to prevent the development of the accident “Proton” through this work,” — said Rogozin, responding to a reporter’s question.

the Space truck “Progress MC-04″ crashed on the evening of 1 December over deserted mountainous terrain in Tuva. Telemetry data confirmed that the spacecraft separated from the third stage of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U”, but so far the experts have not established why he then came out of the regular flight mode and after a while collapsed.


Died member of the ensemble “Veras” Alexander Tikhanovich Вести.Ru

Parties VIA the “Veras” Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich
Artyom Geodakyan/TASS

After a long illness on 65-m to year of life died people’s artist of Belarus, member of the popular ENSEMBLE “Veras” Alexander Tikhanovich. This was reported by the daughter of a musician Anastasia, reports TASS.

“Tonight was not my dad. We thank all who throughout his amazing life’s journey was near. Thank you to everyone who prayed and supported him in his last and very simple year”.

Alexander Tikhanovich was born July 13, 1952 in Minsk. He graduated from the brass section (trumpet) of the Byelorussian Conservatoire. In 1973 became part of the ENSEMBLE “Veras”. In the ensemble of Alexander Tikhanovich got acquainted with Yadviga Poplavskaya, who several years later became his wife. In 1986, the artists left VIA “Veras”. Two years later, he created the Duo “good luck”. Later, the pair has organized Theatre songs Yadviga Poplavskaya and Alexander Tikhanovich, who was transformed into a production center.


The government will follow the development of the situation with engines of “Proton-M” – RIA Novosti

© Photo: Russian Federal space Agency (Roscosmos)

MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. the Russian Government has taken control of the investigation of Roscosmos on the situation with engines of “Proton-M” at the Voronezh mechanical factory (VMZ), said on Saturday Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

Earlier it was reported that at the Voronezh mechanical plant was revoked the second and third stages of the carrier rockets “proton-M” due to identified technological problems. On Saturday, the plant held a meeting chaired by Rogozin and General Director of Roscosmos Igor Komarov. Rogozin demanded to hold domestic industry, the investigation on the situation with engines of “Proton-M”.

“New accidents have been avoided, but now the investigation, which leads the Federal space Agency, will be in control of the government of the Russian Federation”, — Rogozin wrote in his microblog on Twitter.


Rogozin announced the timing of the resumption of launches of “Proton-M” – RBK


Darya Napaea

Rogozin announced the timing of the resumption of launches of “Proton-M”

the Launch of the carrier rocket “proton-M” with the spacecraft, a joint European-Russian interplanetary mission “ExoMars-2016″

Photo: Sergey Savostyanov/TASS

the Launches of “Proton-M” will be resumed after 3.5 months, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. He also said that three of the rocket will be disassembled for replacement engines

Three of the carrier rocket “proton-M” will be disassembled for replacement of the engines of the second and third stages, the launches will be resumed after 3.5 months. About this on his page on Twitter said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

He also said that the Voronezh mechanical plant (VMZ), which assembles the engines for booster, support will be provided for technical re-equipment. Saturday, January 28, Rogozin visited VMZ, where a meeting was held with the participation of the General Director of Roscosmos Igor Komarov.

Wednesday, 25 January, “Kommersant” with reference to several top-managers of enterprises of the space industry reported that the leadership of the Roscosmos withdrew in VMZ all the engines of the second and third stages of the carrier rockets “proton-M”, released in the last few years. According to interlocutors of the edition, the reason for this decision was the technological problems that are discovered during testing of one of the liquid engines of the second stage of the launch vehicle.

In particular, it was found that during the Assembly of engines is materials using precious metals used “non-liquid components”, which turned out to be less heat resistant. According to the publication, the situation caught the interest of the FSB and the Investigative Committee, who are trying to understand how was the replacement of material, if the documents are all the engines in order.

then in Roscosmos said that the Corporation carries out the total quality assurance of products manufactured by the enterprises of the sector, therefore possible delay of launches of carrier rockets “proton”.

According to test results, Roskosmos, said that the production engine of the second stage of the carrier rocket “proton-M” was used a solder that does not match the design documentation. Instead of standard they used other, more expensive solders with the content of the precious metal.

After the meeting at VSW Rogozin said that all those responsible for the substitution technology and the documentation will be “severely punished”.


Soyuz successfully orbited Sputnik Spanish – Вести.Ru

Russian carrier rocket Soyuz successfully launched into orbit Spanish telecommunications satellite, reports channel “Russia 24″. The launch took place from the spaceport in French Guiana and became the first this year.

in addition, for the first time from Kourou in orbit a satellite weighing over three tons. The apparatus shall provide signal transmission for subscribers in Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands and in South America. This year it is planned to carry out 11 launches.

the Launch took place in at the Guiana space center at 04:03 Moscow time. After 9 minutes, 22 seconds regular has passed the separation of the upper stage and spacecraft from the third stage booster. 32 minutes after launch spacecraft cleanly separated from the upper stage “Fregat-MT” in the geosynchronous transfer orbit.

the Customer launch of the device Hispasat AG-1 was made by the Spanish company HISPASAT.

the Guiana space center, European spaceport located near Kourou, French Guiana. Since the early 70-ies of the last century, the GCC is used for spacecraft launches by launch vehicle family “Arian”. The cosmodrome has been used to promote a joint European space programs.

the Russian-European project “Soyuz” at the Guiana space center began in 2003, when at the governmental level the decision was made to launch the Soyuz from the European spaceport in French Guiana. In the framework of the decisions taken was signed a number of intergovernmental agreements which provided the legal basis for signing contracts on creation of ground infrastructure of the Union.


Friday, January 27, 2017

“Soyuz” with the satellite Hispasat has successfully launched from Kourou – Вести.Ru

From Kourou in French Guiana successfully launched the Russian carrier rocket “Soyuz-ST-B” with the Spanish satellite Hispasat 36W-1 on Board.

the Launch took place at 22:03 local time (04:03 Moscow time). The live broadcast of the launch led to its website, the company-operator of the spaceport with Arianespace. A little more than half an hour after launch, the satellite must separate from the carrier.

the Customer of this launch, the Spanish company Hispasat, reports RIA Novosti. The spacecraft Hispasat 36W-1 manufacturing company ohb System is designed to provide a wide range of telecommunications services for Europe, the Canary Islands and South America. The total weight of the payload aboard the launch vehicle amounted to 3.34 tons.

the Guiana space center, European spaceport located near Kourou, French Guiana — Department of France in South America. Its location near the equator provides a 15% advantage in payload compared with the runs in an easterly direction with the American launch site at Cape Canaveral and 40% — launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Since the early 70-ies of the last century Kourou spaceport used for space launches by launch vehicle family Ariane. The cosmodrome has been used to promote a joint European space programs.


The Japanese cargo ship “Kounotori-6″ preparing for cleaning the orbit from debris – TASS

TOKYO, January 27. /Offset. TASS Cyril Agafonov. Japanese unmanned cargo ship “Kounotori-6″ (jap. “AIST-6″) undocked from the International space station, where he arrived on 13 December 2016, and is currently preparing for the experiment to remove space debris from Earth’s orbit. Reported Japanese aerospace exploration Agency (JAXA).

soon the ship will sink to 20 km and released into orbit cylindrical body weighing about 20 kg, which will simulate space debris. After this 700-foot wire, which helped develop the manufacturers of fishing nets from the Japanese Prefecture of Hiroshima, it will be energized. Created electromagnetic field, as planned by the scientists, should slow down the object and bring it into the dense layers of the atmosphere where it will burn.

the Experiment will last about a week, and already on 6 February, “Kounotori-6″ he will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere. If the test is successful, JAXA intends to use such devices for cleaning orbits at altitudes of 800 to 1400 km, where the debris is especially a lot.

According to estimates by UN experts, our world rotates about 300 thousand different unused artificial objects weighing up to 5000 tons. In JAXA calculated among them about 18 thousand objects with a diameter up to 10 cm

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In other media


An international group of scientists has created and destroyed a hybrid of pigs and humans – Росбалт.RU

an international group of scientists from USA, Spain and Japan for the first time in the history of mankind created a hybrid of pigs and humans. But for ethical reasons all instances of this Chimera is destroyed.

In the embryos of 1.4 thousand pigs, the researchers injected one of three types of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Then the embryos were transplanted into sows, where they began to develop successfully.

Tracking processes with human material was performed using a fluorescent protein, production of which has been programmed human stem cells. As a result, in the pig embryo formed cells, which are precursors of various human tissues such as heart, liver and nervous system.

Hybrids in the womb of sows allowed to grow for 3-4 weeks, after which they were destroyed, reports Nature News.

According to the researchers, these experiments are conducted with the aim of developing efficient methods of growing organs suitable for subsequent transplantation to the needy in this patient.


Scientists have created an embryo with human cells and pig – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 27 Jan — RIA Novosti. an international group of geneticists for the first time created a full-fledged chimeric embryos, in which pigs combined with human cells and other mammals. This opens the way to growing human organs in animals body, said in an article published in the journal Cell.

“Work on this problem took four years. We clearly underestimated just how much effort will be needed to implement this task. This is the first important step toward growing human organs in a pig’s body. Now we need to figure out how to make human cells turn into the right bodies to implement our real goal is to learn how to grow transplanted organs,” said Juan Belmonte (Belmonte, Juan) from the Salk Institute in La JOLLA (USA).

About 15 years ago biologists began an active discussion of the possibility of so-called xenotransplantation — the transplant of animal organs into the human body. To implement this idea as it seemed a scientist need to solve a simple problem — to make the immune system not to reject other people’s bodies.

© Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte Lab /Salk Institute

as you might guess, is still not found, although genetics are developing specific methods to make the bodies of pigs and other animals invisible to the human immune system. Just last year, the famous American geneticist George Church has approached this task by removing part of the label of “friend or foe” with the help of the genomic editor CRISPR/Cas9.

© Photo: Wu et al. / Cell 2017

the procedure of growing pigs with human organs

Belmonte and his colleagues used the same system for solving the problem method “on the contrary” — by growing human organs for transplant inside the body of a pig. Such bodies can be created, if you enter in a fetal pig human stem cells in a strictly defined period of development, received a so-called Chimera — an organism with two or more sets of heterogeneous cells.

Such experiments, as they say scientists, has been successfully conducted on mice, but large animals such as pigs or monkeys, experiments have not yet been done, or was unsuccessful. Team Belmonte made a big step towards the realization of these tasks, learning to implement virtually any cells in fetal pigs and mice by using CRISPR/Cas9.

This editor is DNA used as a “killer” of selectively killing the cells of the embryo at the time of formation of an organ. Then the scientists injected cultured stem cells of other species that fill a niche and turn into the body “blank” which was destroyed. Other tissues and organs are not affected, which is important for ethical reasons.

check this technique on mice and grow them rat pancreas, scientists have spent nearly four years on its adaptation for work with human and porcine cells. The problem was that a pig fetus is growing three times faster than a human, and Belmonte and his colleagues spent a long time picking the right time frame for implantation of human cells.

solve this problem, the researchers replaced the future the cells of the muscles in dozens of pig embryos and implanted them back into the wombs of foster mothers. About two-thirds of the embryos successfully developed throughout the month, and then scientists had to stop the experiment for ethical reasons in accordance with us law.

This success, as noted by Belmonte, opens the way for the creation of a full human organs, ready for transplant and not is shed by the body. Now Belmonte and his colleagues are working on adapting CRISPR/Cas9 for in the body of the sow and obtaining all necessary permits for such experiments.
