Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Planet X takes the solar system Uranus and Neptune – The Russian Times

The development of the solar system, likely to go the other way, than previously predicted by astronomers. Blame – the ninth planet, which in winter scientifically “predicted” Constantine Batygin astronomers Mike Brown

The solar system may be destroyed by the actions of the ninth planet, if that really exists.. Such a conclusion was a physicist Dimitri Veras from the University of Warwick, published article in the scientific MNRAS magazine.

Predicting the ninth planet was a sensation in January of this year , after publication of an article astronomers Batygina Constantine and Mike Brown. In it, they pointed out that the observed deviations in the movements of a number of bodies in the Kuiper Belt can only be explained by the presence on the outskirts of the solar system the ninth,

have not yet found a planet, 10 times heavier than the Earth.

The prediction has become an event in the scientific world, many scientists began to look for the invisible planet and joined the calculations of its orbit. Calculations Veras show that the presence of the ninth planet could throw out of the solar system at least one giant planet, and it will happen after the sun itself death.

According to the accepted ideas about the evolution of stars, a few billion years, the sun’s outer shell will begin to expand and the core, on the contrary – to contract, to then turn into a white dwarf. During this process, it absorbs the sun inner planets, including the earth, thus to lose half of its own weight. This should make the rest of the planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – to move away from the sun at a safe distance, but such a scenario is possible only with the well-known today configuration of planets

Veras calculated that the presence of the ninth planet will not. realized this peaceful scenario. Calculations have shown that the expansion of the Sun ninth planet not behave like the giant planets, but on the contrary, closer, starting to circle them in the

«deadly dance.” The most likely scenario in this case would be vyshvyrivanie these planets in interstellar space.

Using a unique code that allows you to simulate the destruction of a variety of planetary systems, the scientist counted developments depending on the distance of the orbit of the mysterious ninth planet. It turned out that the more and more massive the planet, the more dramatic will be the end of the solar system

Veras said the potential danger that can create the ninth planet, the Earth will no longer exist:. “The existence of distant massive planet can dramatically change the fate of the solar system. Its fate will depend on the mass and orbital properties of the ninth planet, if it exists. »

The fact that today astronomers observe on the surface of many white dwarfs, remnants of solid planets indirectly indicates that such a scenario is very likely. “The future of the Sun can be predicted by looking at white dwarfs,” contaminated “solid debris.

The ninth planet may act as a catalyst for such pollution.

What will happen with the sun on the white dwarf stage, can be seen today in the white dwarfs around the Milky Way, “- said the author of

However, while the existence of Planet X has not received acknowledgments. The existence of such a planet can say “Kuiper failure” – the asteroid belt, which ends abruptly at a distance of 48 astronomical units from the sun. Some astronomers believe that such a break can talk about the existence of the order of 60 and a distance. ie an object with a mass similar to Earth or Mars mass:. it is assumed that the asteroids that fall in the field of attraction of the planet, were taken out of the Kuiper belt, leaving the


Others, however, do not believe it. consideration is the basis for the extension of the existence of the hypotheses of Planet X.


NASA scientists: the world will heat up to 20 times faster – News

in 2016, it is likely to be the warmest in history. He beat all-time highs, before successively established in 2014 and 2015. This trend may indicate that in the last decade, the rate of increase in mean annual temperature has reached the rate ten times higher than in the last millennium, according to the latest data of the Institute of Space Research, the Robert Goddard in NASA, writes British The Guardian.

The main aim of the Paris climate agreement that in April this year signed by 170 countries, including Russia, was the retention of the growth in global average temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial era. However, since the beginning of 2016 the average increase of temperatures by 1.38 degrees exceeded the performance of the XIX century, dangerously approaching the established boundary agreement. If the trend continues, then, according to scientists, to perform its basic position would be simply impossible.

July 2016 was the hottest month in the history of meteorological observations, which officially dates back to 1880. However, since October 2015 almost every month to set their own record heat.

Photo: TASS / Valery Matytsin

The unusually warm weather in 2016. The experts are inclined to explain, including the influence of El Niño, but overall it is a constant phenomenon. As shown by recent research, the preservation of the current level of carbon dioxide emissions for the next five years will literally destroy any chance to keep rate of 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid abrupt changes in climate.

«As the temperature rises no pauses. Those who think that it is over, look at the world through rose-colored glasses. This is a chronic problem for the society for the next hundred years “, – he told the publication The Guardian Gavin Schmidt, a leading expert on climate Space Research Institute of the Robert Goddard NASA.

In the NASA Institute, based on the icy crust and sediment studies, consider that in the last decades of the temperature on the planet is growing at a rate exceeding not only indicators of the last almost 140 years, but also indicators of the last millennium. Reconstruction of historical temperatures showed that in the XX century the average temperature of the growth rate ten times higher than the rate of 5-7 degrees, save for 5 thousand. Years since the Ice Age.

Comparison of current temperatures from the palaeoclimate indicators can certainly not be absolutely accurate. However, if scientists assumptions prove correct, this could mean that in the next hundred years, the world will warm at a rate 20 times higher than the average of previous years.


NASA scientists: the world will heat up to 20 times faster – News

in 2016, it is likely to be the warmest in history. He beat all-time highs, before successively established in 2014 and 2015. This trend may indicate that in the last decade, the rate of increase in mean annual temperature has reached the rate ten times higher than in the last millennium, according to the latest data of the Institute of Space Research, the Robert Goddard in NASA, writes British The Guardian.

The main aim of the Paris climate agreement that in April this year signed by 170 countries, including Russia, was the retention of the growth in global average temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial era. However, since the beginning of 2016 the average increase of temperatures by 1.38 degrees exceeded the performance of the XIX century, dangerously approaching the established boundary agreement. If the trend continues, then, according to scientists, to perform its basic position would be simply impossible.

July 2016 was the hottest month in the history of meteorological observations, which officially dates back to 1880. However, since October 2015 almost every month to set their own record heat.

Photo: TASS / Valery Matytsin

The unusually warm weather in 2016. The experts are inclined to explain, including the influence of El Niño, but overall it is a constant phenomenon. As shown by recent research, the preservation of the current level of carbon dioxide emissions for the next five years will literally destroy any chance to keep rate of 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid abrupt changes in climate.

«As the temperature rises no pauses. Those who think that it is over, look at the world through rose-colored glasses. This is a chronic problem for the society for the next hundred years “, – he told the publication The Guardian Gavin Schmidt, a leading expert on climate Space Research Institute of the Robert Goddard NASA.

In the NASA Institute, based on the icy crust and sediment studies, consider that in the last decades of the temperature on the planet is growing at a rate exceeding not only indicators of the last almost 140 years, but also indicators of the last millennium. Reconstruction of historical temperatures showed that in the XX century the average temperature of the growth rate ten times higher than the rate of 5-7 degrees, save for 5 thousand. Years since the Ice Age.

Comparison of current temperatures from the palaeoclimate indicators can certainly not be absolutely accurate. However, if scientists assumptions prove correct, this could mean that in the next hundred years, the world will warm at a rate 20 times higher than the average of previous years.


Scientists have calculated that the ninth planet will destroy the solar system – BBC

The solar system may be destroyed by the actions of the ninth planet, if that really exists. Such a conclusion was a physicist Dimitri Veras from the University of Warwick, published article in the scientific MNRAS magazine.

Predicting the ninth planet was a sensation in January of this year , after publication of an article astronomers Batygina Constantine and Mike Brown. In it, they pointed out that the observed deviations in the movements of a number of bodies in the Kuiper Belt can be explained only by the presence on the outskirts of the solar system the ninth,

have not yet found a planet, 10 times heavier than the Earth.

The prediction has become an event in the scientific world, many scientists began to look for the invisible planet and joined the calculations of its orbit. Calculations Veras show that the presence of the ninth planet could throw out of the solar system at least one giant planet, and it will happen after the sun itself death.

According to the accepted ideas about the evolution of stars, a few billion years, the sun’s outer shell will begin to expand and the core, on the contrary – to contract, to then turn into a white dwarf. During this process, it absorbs the sun inner planets, including the earth, thus to lose half of its own weight. This should make the rest of the planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – to move away from the sun at a safe distance, but such a scenario is possible only with the well-known today configuration of planets

Veras calculated that the presence of the ninth planet will not. realized this peaceful scenario. Calculations have shown that the expansion of the Sun ninth planet not behave like the giant planets, but on the contrary, closer, starting to circle them in the “deadly dance».

The most likely scenario thus becomes vyshvyrivanie these planets into interstellar space.

Using a unique code that allows you to simulate the destruction of a variety of planetary systems, the scientist counted developments depending on the distance of the orbit of the mysterious ninth planet. It turned out that the more and more massive the planet, the more dramatic will be the end of the solar system

Veras said the potential danger that can create the ninth planet, the Earth will no longer exist:. “The existence of distant massive planet can dramatically change the fate of the solar system. Its fate will depend on the mass and orbital properties of the ninth planet, if it exists ».

What astronomers observe today on the surface of many white dwarfs, remnants of solid planets indirectly indicates that such a scenario is very likely developments. “The future of the Sun can be predicted by looking at white dwarfs,” contaminated “solid debris.

The ninth planet may act as a catalyst such pollution.

what will happen with the sun on the white dwarf stage, can be seen today in the white dwarfs around the Milky Way, “- said the author of

Meanwhile, scientists continue to search for the ninth planet, and incidentally discover new objects. Kuiper belt. The last of them were just three of the object detected by the command Chadwick Trujillo. One aspect of the 2014 FE72 is a little further beyond the orbit of Neptune, making it orbits the Sun at 3 kDa times slower than Earth.

second 2013 FT28, has similar characteristics with those bodies whose orbits features have led to the prediction of the ninth planet. Open these objects were on a 4-meter telescope in Chile Victor Blanco and 8-meter “Subaru” in Japan.


Scientists have announced the arrival of a new geological epoch – – Business News Editorial

The impact of humanity on the planet has become so great that it led to the advent of a new geological epoch, and it’s time to admit it. Such a verdict is rendered a group of scientists of the International Union of Geological Sciences, which on Monday, August 29 submitted a report at the International Ecological Congress in Cape Town. Instead of the Holocene, which lasted the last 12 thousand years, we live in antropotsene, or “age of man”, which began in the mid-twentieth century. Its main features – nuclear tests, mountains of plastic and domestic chickens, said the Guardian.

Humanity, the report says, has accelerated the extinction of animals and the disappearance of plants, increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, breaking up her warming, covered with earth and the oceans with plastic to such an extent that almost the world few places where it can not be found. Thanks to us over the last hundred years has doubled the content of chemicals remaining after the fertilizer, soil and sediments and glaciers will long keep a black carbon particles – traces of burning fossil fuels. All these traces of human activity so common and so long-term that their geological imprint can be considered a sign of another era. Official recognition of the Anthropocene will record the fact that now it is man who is the defining element of the mechanism of the planet.

According to the recommendations of geologists, the new time should be calculated from about 1950 in the Earth’s geological history. Determining in this dating has become a splash of radiation caused by nuclear bomb tests. According to lead author Colin Waters’ report from the British Geological Survey, more than thirty scientists engaged in research Anthropocene, agreed on the need to formalize a new era. “Most of us believe that it [the Anthropocene] is real, that is clearly something going on. What is certain recognizable signals that make the Anthropocene separate unit “- was quoted as BBC News.

Now scientists are arguing about what should be considered the “gold nail” Anthropocene – the geological marker that will be noticeable after a long time (perhaps millions of years), and may indicate the beginning of a new era . So the golden nail to the end of the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs became extinct, for example, steel iridium deposits in soils, which showed a meteorite collision with the Earth. Most of the authors of the report suggest for antropotsenu considered a marker of plutonium deposits appeared after the nuclear tests of the 1950s. Others believe that there is more demonstrative signs – for example, pollution by plastic, aluminum and particles of concrete, carbon footprints associated with a sharp increase in CO 2 emissions in the atmosphere, as well as a high level of nitrogen and phosphate in the soil <. / p>

Finally, the sign by which future generations of geologists will determine the beginning of the Anthropocene, the home can be … chicken. According to Jan Zalashevichu, a geologist from the University of Leicester (UK), with the middle of the XX century, the chicken was the most common bird in the world, and her remains will become a fossil, which can be detected in large quantities all over the world. In addition, after the Second World War, the skeleton of chicken has changed significantly – the bird became higher and more powerful.

The researchers discuss the need for changes in the geologic time scale of about 15 years. Although geologists recommendations, the issue of updating the scale has not yet been resolved. The participants of the working group on antropotsenu (Anthropocene Work Group) in the next two or three years should determine which signals a new era – the radioactive nuclides, plastic or other – should be considered its “golden nail”. Also, they have to determine the place where the geological boundary between the ages can be seen (the boundary between the Holocene and Pleistocene preceded him, such as seen in the ice core from Greenland, which is now stored in Denmark). In the middle of these places geologists exploring mud deposits off the coast of Santa Barbara (California, USA), stalactites and stalagmites in a cave in northern Italy Ernesto, corals, cores and other substances. When the necessary data is collected, the decision on adjustment of the scale of geological time will accept the International Stratigraphic Commission and the Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences

Also we advise to read:.

1. World history chairs in Atlantic.

2. New York Times Magazine about how Edward Snowden has found its way to Hollywood.

3. Ficher Wired how the most hated company in the world is trying to save the honey bees.

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In Russian schools will teach community service – RIA Novosti

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Moscow, 30 August – RIA Novosti in socially useful work will be taught in Russian schools next year, is currently being developed related guidelines, said the head of the Ministry of Education Olga Vasilyeva

“Without the skills to work, we can not.. Now guidelines for socially useful work are developed and from next year will be gradually introduced in Russian schools, “- said Vasilyev on the national parents’ meeting

The Minister also stated that it supports the creation of production teams in schools. , the agency will continue to work in this direction.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The signal from aliens: the opening of Russian astronomers excited the whole world – Moskovsky Komsomolets

The famous astrophysicist, “There is no proof, but everything is possible»

Yesterday, 16:10 Views: 33053

Russian astronomers again as in the distant 65th year, “found aliens”, however, reported that the world Americans. Not only as a signal from another civilization were quick to call some of the experts in the west of the outbreak, which was detected by astrophysicists of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in Nizhny Arkhyz

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The event happened more than a year ago, it was out of the ordinary, bizarre, but Russian scientists have remained true to themselves – if inveterate explorers did not utter a single drop information-hungry such news public.

in the end, unable to independently deal with “superflare” that caught their radio telescope RATAN-600 in the direction of HD164595 star system in the constellation of Hercules, sent information to Western colleagues to consult . That’s just the Americans did not remain silent and then, no further as on Monday, rastirazhirovali sensation all over the world.

The American Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI Institute has already started to look at the constellation of Hercules brothers on reason. And what our astronomers? For an objective assessment of what happened, we appealed to the Russian experts in the field of search for extraterrestrial signals, a senior researcher at the State Institute of Astrophysics. Sternberg MSU. University Lev Gindilis.

First, about what happened May 15, 2015 in Nizhny Arkhyz.

In this day RATAN-600 telescope was aimed at HD164595 star, whose neighborhood is considered a potential abode extraterrestrial civilization because of the similarity to our sun. In practice, this analog thereof, which is located at a distance of 95 light years from Earth.

In 2015, close to the HD164595 scientists have discovered an exoplanet larger, it is 16 times larger than Earth and orbits the star 40 days. Is there life out there in the usual sense? Hope for her habitability gives a powerful signal received from the vicinity of exoplanets directly towards Earth at a wavelength of 2.7 centimeters. At this wavelength, emit many sources, but it is characteristic of the May signal of Hercules were more than strange.

First of all, because he was very confident, clear, power comparable to the signal from the moon, and even brighter her or any known pulsars in the order that they are rare.

Such a signal, according to representatives of the SETI, could produce super-civilizations mastered the energy of their sun.

The information, according to news agencies already interested in two groups of researchers in the United States: one led by an instructor SETI astronomer Seth Shostak, the other – Doug Vakoch, president of the METI program, aimed at establishing a relationship with a stranger, and not just their search. They are already preparing for the observation of a star in the constellation Hercules Telescope ATA (Antenna lattice Allen (The Allen Telescope Array) – a joint project of the SETI Institute and the Radio Astronomy UCLA lab at Berkeley) and a number of other devices

Open the Russians signal. will be one of the main topics for discussion at the annual meeting of the SETI Permanent Council of the International astronomical Union, which will be held September 27 in Guadalajara, Mexico

-. Just do not make this a great sensation – warns Leo Myronovych Gindilis. – Pioneers of the signal from the star decided to draw the attention of the scientific community, to try to understand what it is, nothing more. Perhaps this is a signal from another civilization. But there is no evidence that. Astronomers observed the flash in just two seconds, and it is never repeated, although observations before and after she had very long. By the way, the lack of repetition – is a minus when it comes to the collection of arguments in favor of man-made radio

-. What could it be, if we exclude the version of contactors

– The next step was to find the experts of all possible sources of interference that could cause such a signal. radio waves similar intensity could give a flying aircraft or space satellite.

This version is tested once more in Arkhyz and immediately shallows because quite matched signal characteristics to those that can be obtained from the aircraft terrestrial objects.

Now the problem is the fact that together with foreign colleagues to find other explanations for what happened, try to see the star on the other telescopes. Maybe we just do not know yet other cosmic source, capable of sending such signals.

This “lesson” we were in 1965. We then watched the cosmic radio source CTA-102. It was quite an interesting variety – reminiscent of the spectrum of artificial sources, and it was suggested: to see its variability (while natural sources of variables have not yet been discovered, and therefore, if the source would be the variability, it means to be considered a man-made). And so it turned out that our CTA was indeed variable. Its intensity varies with a period of 102 days (coinciding with its assigned number)

This was the reason for the “sensation”:. Western media raised a clamor: “The Soviet scientists have discovered extraterrestrial civilization, transmit alternating signal!” . Then, as if playing with us, STA-102 stopped to change the intensity, and in the west said: “Russian made a mistake»

In fact not wrong (about the variability). After a few years, we have found that this source “on” again. It turned out that he belonged to this type of natural phenomena such as variable radio sources – quasars. Perhaps we are now, thanks to the unusual signal from the star HD164595, discover a new type of sources that do not know yet.


The head of the National Library spoke about the establishment of a competitor “Wikipedia” – RBC

Director Alexander Visly Russian National Library spoke about the establishment of domestic Internet portal, which will compete with “Wikipedia”. The interview was published on the CNews.

Visly noted that the new portal will be encyclopaedic electronic analog of the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the formation of the paper version which has not yet been completed. The project, according to the head of the National Library, is complicated by the fact that he has a rival in the person of “Wikipedia»

«Go and prove that the authors of e-BDT are more competent than the authors of” Wikipedia “, -. Visly said .

Director of the national library believes that Russian Internet users will be an alternative source from which it will be possible to receive information.

«readers will be an alternative, they will decide for themselves who they believe anymore . & Lt; … & gt; The challenge to make a competitive product is very complex, its solution and is going to a working group, “- he added

Earlier in the legal information portal published the text of the Prime Minister orders Dmitry Medvedev on the establishment of a working group that will deal with the creation. National Collegiate portal.

In the working group on the creation of “national scientific and educational interactive encyclopedic portal” included 21 people. Among them – the head of the Government Office Sergei Prikhodko, who led the group, deputy head of the Ministry of Communications Alexei Volin, First Deputy Minister of Culture Vladimir Aristarkhov, general director of the Russian National Library Alexander Visly.


Astrophysicists SAO found the origin of the “alien” signal – Russian Newspaper

Zelenchukskaya Astrophysics Observatory in Karachay-Cherkessia, find out the origin of the radio star HD164595 in the constellation of Hercules system. The official report of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences says that “alien” signal is a terrestrial origin.

The staff of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics named after DV recent years Skobel’tsyn MSU and SAO carried out exploration work on the study of astronomical objects – SETI candidates. (SETI – the common name of projects and activities to search for extraterrestrial intelligence). The program is focused on the search for the radio emission of man-made

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Conducting such observations on RATAN-600 has been made possible thanks to its large collecting surface – thousands of square meters, which iz-za high sensitivity allows the telescope to search for radio signals are extremely weak in the universe.

“As part of this program in 2015 from one of the objects (the star HD164595 system in the constellation of Hercules), was detected interesting radio signal at a wavelength of 2.7 cm. The processing and signal analysis revealed that with a high probability, it’s still a signal of terrestrial origin “, – said in a press release of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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note that the information about an unusual radio signal, fixed telescope RATAN-600, said a famous American amateur astronomer Paul Gilster According to him. , the signal may be evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, as it was 8-10 times brighter than a typical pulsar or moon.

By the way, this is not the first case when astrophysics catch “alien” signals. Director of the Institute of applied astronomy Alexander Ipatov told Tass that in Soviet times, astronomers have caught an unusual signal, which, as it turned out, came from a military Soviet satellite. Secret spacecraft was not included in the catalog of celestial objects.

Help ” WG “

Special Astrophysical Observatory – a Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located at the foot of the mountain Pastukhov in Karachay-Cherkessia. The observatory is the largest Russian center of terrestrial astronomical observations of the universe, which has large telescopes: a six-meter BTA optical reflector and ring RATAN-600. Founded in June 1966. The SAO work 420 employees, of which slightly more than a hundred – Scientists



Paleontologists have established the cause of death of Australopithecus Lucy after 3.2 million years – BBC News

Perhaps one of the most famous human ancestors – the primacy of about one meter in height, which was soon nicknamed Lucy (Lucy) – helped to make not one bright title since 1974. This year, the Ethiopian scientists have discovered the skeleton of a female specimen of Australopithecus afarensis (Australopithecus afarensis). Since then, scientists had scrutinized every aspect of her life. Archaeologists and anthropologists interested in everything, including how it went on the ground and what was the structure of its skeleton. Now, a new dispute over how Lucy had died – it was about 3.2 million years ago

The latest analysis of her bones fractures, conducted by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin, suggests that it is. fell from a tall tree and severely hit the ground, breaking with several bones.

Paleontologist John Kapelman (John Kappelman) and his colleagues studied the existing partial skeleton of Lucy (it survived only about 40 percent of its bones). The researchers used high-resolution computed tomography scan of the remains of Lucy, and then created 35 thousand cross sections of its bones. According to him, scientists have tried to reconstruct the events that led to the fatal injury of an ancient primate.

After a careful study of the bones in the form of 3D-models Kapelman noticed an unusual “pattern” in the humerus. The scientist decided to look for similar examples in the medical literature and found that a similar picture is observed in the so-called “chetyrёhfragmentarnom fractures of the proximal humerus.” It turned out that this is a typical fracture of the humerus, where the blade is suffering. Today so much damage are recorded only when people fall from a great height, for example, with open arms.

Kapelman use a laser printer to create a 3D-model of a broken humerus Lucy and then showed the result of orthopedists. Nine out of ten experts came to the conclusion that this is the “chetyrёhfragmentarny fracture of the proximal humerus”.

The scientist also studied a similar, but slightly less heavy fractured left shoulder Lucy, right ankle, the knee and the first rib and found them” signs of serious injury ” . According to the researcher and his colleagues, the forces that are capable of causing such serious damage could occur if Lucy had fallen from a height of over 13 meters. Such a height comparable to the four-story house, or the tops of tall trees, for example, such as acacia

In addition, fractures do not show any signs of healing, which suggests:. Lucy died from injuries sustained in the fall

But what Lucy could fall so badly? The most likely explanation – it has fallen from a high tree, as is sometimes the case with chimpanzees. Although Lucy was already erectus is, by hypothesis the researchers, is likely to climb trees to sleep or rescue from predators.

Thus, the study offers a new perspective on the mysterious death of one of the most famous human ancestors. However, new research work not only describes the cause of death of Lucy, but also raises the issue of how much time Australopithecus afarensis was carried out on the trees.

Lucy had a brain and a body like a large chimpanzee individuals (and probably, she slept on trees), but she has already walked on the ground with your back straight. By assumption, scholars, views Lucy probably already lost its maneuverability and agility necessary for life in the trees to adapt to life on land.

According to William Yungersa (William Jungers) from New York University, the conclusions Kapelmana research group is quite convincing, as carried out a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the injury Lucy. But other scientists are more skeptical.

According to third-party paleontologists injury skeleton looks as well as fractures of all kinds of animals, the remains of which were previously in Ethiopia and elsewhere. It is most likely that skeletal damage happened after the death of Lucy “as a result of geological processes,” said Tim White of the University of California at Berkeley. “The authors make no attempt to test alternative hypotheses about how were received fractures, for example, during the fossilization process or erosion.” – Said he

According to Kapelmana, tiny fragments and debris left around. broken bones indicate that no fractures were caused by, for example, flooding. According to him, in this case, all the tiny fragments would have long claimed the water.

“Damage to the bones of Lucy totally mediocre” – agrees another scientist William Kimball (William Kimbel) from the University of Arizona.

“The bones of animals – antelopes, gazelles, elephants, rhinos and giraffes – demonstrate similar fractures and you can be sure they do not exactly fall from the trees, “-. says paleontologist Donald Johansson (Donald Johanson) from the University of Arizona. But, in his opinion, these findings, as well as high-profile debate will encourage scientists to further research and study of the causes of fractures primates before and after death.

The research team Kapelmana was published in the scientific journal Nature.

Let us add that the earlier “Vesti.Nauka” talked about other paleontological discoveries related to the ancestors of man: in Ethiopia, scientists have discovered the remains of the ancient ancestor of people



Monday, August 29, 2016

Paleontologists have found that died from “Lucy”, pramana humanity – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, August 29 – RIA Novosti . The famous “Lucy” has died after falling from the tree, which indicates that the Afar australopithecines, alleged ancestors of the genus of Homo, have not lost the ability to climb trees in the transition to upright posture, it said in an article published in the journal Nature.

“Lucy – our greatest treasure she exists in only an instance of, and we naturally want it fully explore without destroying the fossils Computed tomography does not destroy the studied material samples, and it allows us to look inside her bones, to study their structure and location..” – said Richard Ketch (Richard Ketcham) from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).

Missing link

Ketch and his colleagues at the university and researchers from University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) have uncovered the mystery of death and some features of the life of “Lucy”, has trained more than 35 thousand “slices” of her bones, obtained by the “raying” computer tomograph all known her remains.

On today there is no consensus among paleontologists and anthropologists about where is the birthplace of modern man, and when the first members of our genus. In this role equally claimed by two African Corner – National Park Awash in Ethiopia and the “cradle of humanity” in the Olduvai Gorge in South Africa

Driving drop “Lucy” from the tree

in favor of the former candidate says that the territory of the region in 1972 the remains were found “Lucy” – a young female Australopithecus afarensis, lived 3.18 million years ago in the Afar region of Ethiopia. Her limbs were adapted for bipedal locomotion, and many anatomical features were similar to what’s inside a person that has led many scientists to believe that “Lucy” is a kind of “mother of” the genus Homo.

Today, “Lucy” appeared strong competitors – “Littlfut” and “man-Star” Homo naledi from South Africa, so the scientists with a new interest in studying their remains in an attempt to find the real ancestor of the genus Homo. Guided by such a task, the scientific team Ketch “enlightened” her bones.

Surprisingly, the scientists came across traces of very heavy fracture right humerus, which resulted in the end of it was crushed, and from her split off many small and sharp pieces. Such fractures, as the researchers note, is extremely rare in the fossil record, which caused them to further explore this injury.

Eva Fall

“These compression fractures arise when the hand hits the ground during the fall, and the shoulder hit against each other, creating a unique pattern of cracks and splits in the humerus. it is ironic that Lucy serves a central element in the debate around what our ancestors lived in trees, dead fall from the tree, “- says John Kappelman (John Kappelman), colleague Ketchama at the University

according to the researchers, a similar, although less visible damage there and in other bones.” Lucy, “the large number of which indicates that the consequences of the fall were very heavy for foremothers of mankind. Their calculations show that the young female had to fall from a height of approximately 12 meters in order to obtain such an injury. She says Kappelman, fell feet first, trying to slow down the fall with his hands. Death was probably, almost instantaneous.

All data and pictures, as emphasized by researchers, were laid in the open access to anyone who can verify these amazing statement about the death of “Lucy” to use them to search for the roots of mankind.

in turn, the discovery that Lucy had died from the fall, paradoxically speaks in favor of the Afar australopithecines lived at the same time and in the savannas, and could spend a long time in the woods and on the branches of trees. Trees are reputed scientists, could initially serve as Australopithecus night refuge and source of food, and eventually, to the extent of climate change and the spread of African savannah, they are further away from life in the woods.


Near the spaceport Vostochny can create a “Martian” base – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, August 29 – RIA Novosti Not far from the cosmodrome East can be built a new training ground with germomodulem and ground testing ground for the program of scientific experiments on isolation in preparation for a future Mars mission, told RIA. News leading researcher of the Institute of Biomedical problems (IBMP) Vadim Gushchin.

“RSC” Energia “and IBMP are interested in creating a base in the Far East, perhaps in Baikonur East region. Negotiations are under way. The If the project on the territory of Russia will be a place where you can carry out full-fledged ground training of crews, including for future Mars expeditions “-. said Gushchin

Commenting on the successful completion of the US annual experiment to simulate the landing conditions on Mars , which was held on the slopes of Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the expert noted that it is desirable to have such programs in the Russian Federation. He explained what the fundamental differences in the experiments carried out on the territory of the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow and at the training base in Hawaii.

“In the US base a little more extreme. Germomodul is too far from the hospital and all of the places where people live . Thus, the training program is closer to the realities of stay of astronauts on the surface of another planet in fact, this is a real expedition with a margin of civilization, feeling the crew more right we have more guaranteed and safe:.. the module is located on campus in Moscow, the subjects are under constant supervision of doctors, “- said the expert

According to him, the fundamental difference of the Russian and American programs is that the crew is not in the United States in strict isolation, although the subjects and are located inside the small. object, similar in terms of module in the IBMP.

“But we surveyed reside in permanently and will not come out, as it was in the course of the experiment” Mars-500 “, which has a strong psychological impact itself . Studies are under constant closed space, which in itself is more close to the real Flight to Mars and what is not from the American partners. In Hawaii, the open-loop system: no strict isolation, in addition, as the feeling that you are on the Big Island. The subjects come from the module to the open space in spacesuits can see how the weather changes, sunrise-sunset, the sun – in germokamere such feelings, even with the help of virtual reality, no “, – concluded the expert



Doctors: The number of people with heart failure to triple by 2060 – RIA Novosti


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MOSCOW, August 29 – RIA Novosti. The number of older people with problems with the heart and blood vessels at least triple by 2060, which will strengthen its “leadership” position among the causes of death, said the scientists, who spoke at the congress European society of Cardiology in Rome.

“Heart failure is one of the most common health problems for the entire planet, which is increasingly seen as the human aging. It can cause coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. All of these diseases are more common among older people, which will be the reason why the number of people with heart problems will grow significantly, “- said Ragnar Danielsen (Ragnar Danielsen) from the University of Landspitali in Reykjavik (Iceland)

Danielsen. and colleagues came to this conclusion after analyzing data on the prevalence of heart disease and blood vessels among the nearly six million elderly residents of Iceland, randomly selected from the database. Their ages ranged from 66 to 98 years, allowing scientists to assess how the cardiovascular health . -sosudistoy system with age

Their analysis showed that of these problems often suffer from men than women – about 4.8% of men had heart failure, and only 2.8% of Icelandic ladies experienced . similar problems with the heart and blood vessels in addition, the frequency of occurrence of heart failure increased with age – for Iceland at the age of 69 years, it was only 1.9%, and when the level of 80 years – grew to 6%.

All this, according to the authors of the report, said that by mid-century, when the world’s population, especially in Europe and all developed countries will grow old, we are waiting for an entire epidemic problems with heart failure, the number of cases where at least triple by 2060 and to double by 2040. All this, according to Danielsen, will carry to serious socio-economic consequences and dramatically increase the burden on the health care system.

“Our research – wake-up call for politicians and employees of health services, which should put more effort in order . to prevent the growth of the epidemic of heart failure Such measures may include the timely provision of assistance to people who have experienced a heart attack, and health promotion and preventive care among vulnerable populations “, – concludes a doctor



Expert: to simulate a flight to Mars, experiments will be carried out more often – RIA Novosti


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MOSCOW, August 29 – RIA Novosti The number of experiments to simulate a manned flight to Mars in the near future will only grow, but the main obstacle to the implementation of interplanetary flights is the lack of the necessary technical means, according to the academician of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky Alexander Zheleznyakov.

Annual experiment to simulate a flight to Mars conditions Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and simulation (HI-SEAS), which was held on the slopes of Mauna Loa ended on Sunday in Hawaii. Organizer of the study made by the University of Hawaii with funding from NASA. Scientists were allowed to leave the special dome only in spacesuits. The experiment was the second for the duration of the history of such experiments. Longest was 520-day Mars-500 experiment of ground simulation of a flight to Mars conducted “Roskosmos” in 2011. Other similar tests were carried out for four to eight months

“I think that in the coming years of such experiments and the like, and the other will be more and more … Of course, the main thing -. This hardware How. once they are set up as soon as it will, then the training of health will be intensified, “- said Zheleznyakov RIA Novosti on Monday

He added that the experiment HI-SEAS, as well as the Russian experiment Mars-500. and other research in this area indicates that “humanity, but talk about future travel to Mars, begins slowly to prepare for it.” Scientists estimate that the flight to Mars will take place no earlier than 2035, and the human landing on the red planet should not wait until 2045.

A member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew, son of John, said ground experiments modeling interplanetary missions can not fully simulate the flight, however, to carry out research in this area is necessary.

“it is clear that this is not an imitation of the flight, because the conditions are physically just different. it is clear that these still need to be addressed because it is a process, it is working out, it needs to be addressed is clear that these experiments to real flight is still far “, -.., son of John told

According to the expert, a manned mission to Mars is unlikely to take place in the medium term. No state will be able to prepare a mission to Mars without the participation of other countries in the project. Joint work on the project will go more than a decade, but the tense geopolitical situation in the world can count on long-term co-operation of several States, he said.


Media: “VKontakte” will begin to collect bank card users’ data – REGNUM

Moscow, 29 August 2016, 04:24 – REGNUM The Social network “VKontakte” in the recently “please” users new design, intends to continue to develop the functionality of the site and may soon introduce a new service: the system of money transfers between users. Innovation appear online social networks before the end of 2016, reported on August 29, “Izvestia”, citing unnamed sources familiar with the activities of “VKontakte».

It is expected that the new feature will be implemented in much the same way it is presented “Classmates” on a social networking site. The user is offered independently bind the data to one or multiple payment electronic cards, then any user of the network, similar steps will be able to transfer it to the card any amount, even without knowing its number.

Implemented in February 2016 a similar service on the “Classmates” to migrate from 500 rubles to 75 rubles. The minimum fee per transaction is 35 rubles.

Earlier, the administration social network “VKontakte” implemented a voluntary-compulsory collection rates of cell phone users, justifying this on security grounds. Register a new account in the social network without being tied to a mobile operator’s number is impossible, and previously registered users are strongly recommended to link to their page number. There are cases where if the user evasion of the procedure, its pages blocked, and access to it could be carried out only after the system of current cell phone numbers.

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

NASA: “Juno,” a record close to Jupiter – FOCUS

NASA: & quot; Juno & quot; record closer to  Jupiter

Jupiter / Photo:

The automatic interplanetary station “Juno “completed its first orbital 36 flybys of Jupiter, reports LІ citing NASA

.” Juno “as close to Jupiter – a distance of 4.2 thousand kilometers.. Previously, any object on Earth is not approaching a planet so close

The flight speed of “Juno.” – 208 kilometers per hour. Some days you will need to get all the data from the station. NASA should show received photos in a few weeks

“We are in orbit, which no one had ever reached, and these pictures will give us a completely new view of the world of this gas giant” -. Said the head of the project team, Scott Bolton.

Recall “Juno” launched in August 2011 from Cape Canaveral, she reached the orbit of Jupiter July 4, 2016.


Participants of the experiment year simulated Mars mission in Hawaii –

In Hawaii, completed a one-year experiment to simulate a manned flight to Mars conditions. On Sunday, August 28, writes The Guardian

Organizers of the project under the name HI-SEAS -. NASA and the University of Hawaii. The experiment was started August 28, 2015, the participants were six volunteers – are young scientists from the US, France and Germany, were selected on a competitive basis. The commander of the international “crew” was Carmel Johnson, a soil scientist and ecologist from Montana. In addition to it, the team included three other Americans -. The pilot, a doctor (also a journalist) and architect, as well as the German physicist and French astrobiologist

The subjects spent one year in complete isolation from the outside world in a special a gated community in the form of a dome, which was built on the slopes of a dormant volcano Mauna Loa. This location was chosen because it has a vague resemblance to the terms with the Red Planet:. Soil is very similar to Mars and there is practically no vegetation

According to the conditions of the experiment, the participants were allowed to go out into the open air only in a spacesuit

According to the organizers, the objective of the project – preparation of the first manned flight to Mars. NASA hopes to implement it in 2030-ies. Researchers have set a goal to study the health and psychological problems that may be encountered by a spacecraft during a long flight. Results will carefully examine the experts.

This is the fourth in 2013, a group of volunteers in Hawaii, participating in experiments to isolate the project HI-SEAS. The first two teams stayed there for four months, the third – twice as long. In NASA announced the recruitment of volunteers for the following two tests. They are scheduled for 2017 and 2018 and will last for eight months every

The completed experiment to simulate a manned flight to Mars conditions -. The longest time after the third stage took place in Moscow on the international mission “Mars-500″. He kicked off June 3, 2010 and ended on November 4, 2011. Six volunteers – three Russians, Europeans and Chinese – held in complete isolation from the outside world 17 months. They simulated flight to the Red Planet, the yield on its orbit, landing descent module and work on the Martian surface, the return on board the ship and return flight to Earth.

August 16 NASA announced a competition to create the robot model for flying Mars. The winner promised to pay one million US dollars.


Astronomers have found a “dark” galaxy – the Milky Way counterpart – The Russian Times

The international team of astronomers has found that dull massive galaxy Dragonfly 44 ( “Dragonfly 44″) in the constellation Coma Berenices, is composed almost entirely of dark matter, according to The Independent.

Research galaxies never cease to amaze astronomers. So, in spite of a significant breakthrough in the technique of producing deep high resolution images, an entire class of objects is fraught with many still unexplored interesting features and presents new surprises

This special class -. Galaxies of low surface brightness

Galaxy of low surface brightness – it is a system, in many ways similar to the “normal” galaxies, but it has a very low surface brightness, even in the most central areas. At this point it is already obvious that the low brightness of the galaxy may be of different shapes and sizes. There are a dwarf and a giant system of low brightness.

In particular, there is an amazing class of giant galaxies, low brightness, the characteristic dimensions of which exceed the size of the Milky Way 10 times!

As such systems could be formed, it is still not completely clear. The study of these galaxies, in particular, held and Russian scientists. New low-brightness galaxies surprise was in 2014, when Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University and colleagues found in the Coma Cluster of galaxies 47 ultradiffuznyh low brightness, comparable in size to the size of the Milky Way. These objects had an old stellar population and had a spheroidal shape.

In terms of parameters, this class of objects most resembled dwarf spheroidal galaxies, for example, of the Local Group of galaxies close to the M101. But the impressive size found ultradiffuznyh galaxies did not allow them to be considered a dwarf. Of particular interest in these galaxies stems from the fact that, judging by the extremely low surface brightness, they have a very small total mass of stars. If the bulk of these objects was just stellar population, they would be destroyed by the tidal accumulation of forces.

The astronomers decided to conduct detailed studies of these galaxies, to obtain an accurate estimate of mass. To this end, they got the measurement of stellar kinematics of one of the largest sample ultradiffuznyh spheroidal galaxies – Dragonfly 44. Work was adopted in Astrophysical Journal Letters

The first author of the work of Pieter van Dokkum said:. “Very soon after the opening, we realized that this galaxy must be much more massive than the eye can see. It is so few stars that it would be torn to pieces if something is holding her together. ” In addition, the astronomers were also deep image of the galaxy. The observations were made at the two telescopes – Gemini and Keck Observatory. Both telescopes are located in Hawaii. Astronomers lucky and monitoring took place with different weather conditions. To obtain reliable spectral data scientists took 33.5 hours of observations, which were carried out over six nights.

Evaluation of the dispersion of stellar velocities of 47 km / s puzzled astronomers. “It is amazing, but the stars are moving at speeds that far exceed expectations for such a dim galaxy. This means that the Dragonfly 44 contains a huge share of invisible masses “, – said study co-author Roberto Abraham of the University of Toronto

The estimated total mass of the galaxy is close to the mass of the Milky Way.. And at a fraction of dark matter accounts 98% within a radius containing the half-luminosity galaxies,

and 99.9% if extrapolated to the much larger virial radius, within which the average density the substance is 200 times higher than the critical density of the universe, the next of cosmological models.

As noted by the authors, a preliminary analysis of the data for other smaller ultradiffuznym galaxies sample shows lower values ​​of the velocity dispersions, indicating smaller dynamic weight.

Such a large and dense cluster of dark matter, according to astrophysicists, can explain how this galaxy and its other “sverhtemnye” cousin opened in the last two years, there may be a number of large clusters of galaxies, which should have long ago break them apart

«The opening of this galaxy -. a great gift for scientists studying dark matter. It has no “extra” objects like stars and gas, it is composed almost entirely of dark matter, which we can learn. Before we only knew of the existence of dwarf galaxies of this type, and the discovery of galaxies, similar to Dragonfly 44, but closer to us, it helps us to know what the dark matter and the look of its particles “- concludes van Dokkum <-! RusTimesBlock2 -> <-! RusTimesBlock3 - >

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Juno probe flew to the closest distance to Jupiter – New News

The interplanetary station «Juno» (Juno) for the first time spread around Jupiter and set a record in the maximum approach to the planet.

The automatic interplanetary station “Juno» (Juno) has successfully made its first orbital flybys of Jupiter. Total them to be 36. At the time of closest approach to the “Juno” The planet is at a height of about 4.2 thousand. Km above its surface. According to NASA, this is the closest distance to Jupiter, which has ever been the object from Earth.

During the flyby probe is moved at a rate of 208 thousand. Kilometers per hour relative to the planet, writes INTERFAX.RU .

It is noted that all the overflights scheduled to make the remaining before the end of February 2018 year, and each time the distance between the planet and the station will be reduced.

Clarifies also that the task of “Juno” is the study of Jupiter’s polar orbit of a planet artificial satellite.

Earlier “NO “I wrote that in July this year, the automatic interplanetary station (AIS)” Juno “(the Juno), which was launched from Earth five years ago, entered the orbit of Jupiter. Scientists hope to study the composition of the planet, to later find the keys to the secrets of the origin of the universe

«Juno.” – One of the three vehicles, NASA experts built under the program “New Frontiers”. Last year, another interplanetary station – New Horizons – flew a short distance from Pluto, and scientific probe OSIRIS-REx in September should go to the asteroid Bennu
