Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Water shortage is recognized as the cause of obesity – Yugopolis

This may be an argument in favor of the opinion that drinking water can help in the fight against obesity, according to Lenta.ru.

The authors examined data on 9528 individuals participating in the study Nutrition Examination Survey. It was found that a high body mass index is associated with lack of hydration of the body. At the same time about one-third of people between 18 and 64 years have used small amounts of water. The researchers note that their results do not show a causal relationship between obesity and poor supply of water bodies, since they are based on indicators assessed only once throughout the cohort studies.

Researchers are advised to eat more fruits, vegetables and other foods containing large amounts of water to ensure adequate hydration of the body. However, they stress that further research is needed to determine whether the water supply of the body can really help to reduce weight.

In 1945, the National Research Council on Nutrition published a report that is necessary to maintain the health of consumption of 8-10 glasses of water per day. The document also stated that a large part of this amount is contained in the food. Nevertheless, it became the basis for the myth of the need to drink additional water. Scientists say that in fact there is no scientific evidence of such an effect, and a positive correlation does not go beyond the statistical error

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