This is the conclusion reached by scientists
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Australian researchers representing the University of Sydney, have proved that the people who decided to give up in favor of the sugar sweeteners can not lose weight, but rather to gain weight. Experts figured out why these low-calorie sweeteners are often used to combat obesity, make people feel hungry more often and consequently, eat more and sleep less.
In the course of his research assistants checked as one of the relatively newly emerging types of sweeteners affects brain function, digestion and behavior of fruit gnats (Drosophila) as well as laboratory mice. As a result, it attracted the attention of scientists working brain structures to assess the caloric content of food intake. As it turned out, the animals, the diet sweetener which was included, was inclined to underestimate the energy value of their food, and as a result, quickly began to feel hungry. As a result, after five days of a diet consisting of artificial sweeteners, fruit midges began to consume nearly a third more calories than those that were in the control group. Similar results were obtained in experiments with mice, which, according to scientists, with high probability says about the applicability of the findings to all mammals, including humans.
According to experts, they also found that the use of artificial sweeteners often provoked signs of hyperactivity, insomnia and reduce the quality of sleep – all this is often the consequences of hunger. As noted scientists, earlier in some studies such effects of sugar substitutes have been recorded, including in humans, but the new work, according to its authors, allows you to better understand the nature of this relationship.
To summarize his research biologists emphasize that today sweeteners in food uses a huge number of people despite the fact that the impact of such sweeteners on the body studied is not fully, and all new evidence in favor of that unequivocally positive, it is not.
The results of his research scientists shared in the Cell Metabolism journal.
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