Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Muscovites had a chance to see the conjunction of the Moon and Mars –

A rare conjunction of the Moon and Mars, available for observation in Moscow, the capital’s residents can be seen with the naked eye, July 14th. It is reported by TASS.

«July 14 at 21:43 Moscow time will compound the Moon and Mars. Gloss Red Planet will be -1 magnitude, which means that to see this astronomical phenomenon will be to the naked eye, despite the fairly bright sky “, – said the representative of the Moscow planetarium

12:44 September 28, 2015

Blood in the sky

As seen Supermoon which coincided with the eclipse, people from different parts of the world

This feature is due to the recent confrontation between Mars and Earth (the celestial bodies were on minimum distance apart). Mars brightness equals the brightness of the brightest stars in the Northern Hemisphere.

Watch the compound of the moon and Mars may be in the south-western part of the sky near the horizon in the constellation of Libra in the European territory of Russia. Earth Satellite will take place in seven degrees north of the planet

The compound (in astronomy.) – The configuration of heavenly bodies in which their ecliptic longitude are equal. Thus, during the joining of two bodies they are relatively close to each other on the celestial sphere (but the connection time does not necessarily coincide with the moment of closest approach).


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