Monday, February 1, 2016

In Britain approved genetic modification of human embryos – BBC Russian

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Image caption Genetic modification of embryos will learn the secrets of the origin of human life

British scientists have received good from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology to start work on the genetic modification of human embryos.

The study will take place at the Institute of Francis Crick in London, and will provide a deeper understanding of the earliest moments of life.

Experiments on embryos will be held during the first seven days after fertilization and could help explain the nature of early miscarriages.

Yet However, scientists will not be able to implant genetically modified embryos to grow out of their rights, as this is forbidden.

“Gene Editing” – the manipulation of our DNA – a kind of sketch of a future life.

Image caption Gene radaktirovanie – outline of a human life, which was not destined to be born

Last year, the first the world’s scientists from China announced that spend editing genes in human embryos to try to correct the gene that causes a disease of the blood.

This area of ​​science is fierce debate: many say that things have gone too far, and the change in the DNA of the embryo opens the door to the world of design “GMO-babies”.


Earlier this year, Dr. Kathy Niakan explained why she applied for to participate in work on the genetic modification of human embryos, “We would like to understand what genes are required for the human embryo has successfully developed into a healthy child”.

“This is important because miscarriages and infertility is extremely common, but they are not very well understood, “- she said.

Image copyright Science Photo Library
Image caption Opponents manipulation of embryos are concerned that human embryos are conceived only for experimentation and subsequent destruction

The Office of Human Fertilisation and Embryology (HFEA), has already given its consent, and experiments could begin in the next few months.

“I am pleased that the HFEA has approved application of Dr. Niakan to participate in the experiment “- says Paul Nurse, Director of the Institute Crick.

” suggested Dr. Niakan studies are important for understanding how to develop a healthy human embryo, and will contribute to our understanding of the success rates of IVF (in vitro fertilization – Bi-bi-si) , by studying the earliest stages of human development. “

Dr Niakan who devoted decades of research of human development, is now trying to understand his very first seven days.

During this time we turn on the state of a fertilized egg to the structure, called a blastocyst, which contains about 200-300 cells.

But even at this early stage blastocysts, some cells are already differentiated to perform specific functions – Some form the placenta, others yolk sac, well, some form eventually actually ourselves.

During this period, part of our DNA are highly active.

This is likely the genes that guide the development of our early, but it is unclear what they are doing, and why, in some cases it ends in miscarriage.

The study will be carried out using donated embryos for experimentation. Seven days after fertilization, the embryos will be destroyed.

Dr Sarah Chan of the University of Edinburgh, said: “The use of technology editing genome research embryos raises some sensitive issues, so it is logical that this research and its ethical implications were carefully considered HFEA, before approval was obtained to continue the experiments “.

” We have to make sure that our system of regulation in this area is functioning well, so that science has evolved in line with the public interest “- adds Sarah Chan.

An international consortium on stem cells, ethics and law “Hinxton Group” (Hinxton Group) in September last year, issued a statement in which he called to resolve the genetic modification of human embryos. But until now such practices in Europe were banned.

For someone else it is important

In addition to the potential benefits to study the nature of abortions, and to combat infertility, genetic Engineering may be able to help, and those who from birth to suffer from incurable to date, genetic diseases.

Sharmila Nikapota, mother of a child with a rare genetic disorder, has high hopes for the success of the editing of genes.

“For us, this technology may fulfill the dream of healing”, – she says.

Her 13-year-old daughter Suhana his entire life struggling with the effects of genetically caused disease epidermolysis bullosa syndrome (butterfly). The girl’s body is covered with a variety of painful blisters that occur even with a small impact on the skin.

This is due to two faulty sections VII gene. This means that the body of the sick person does not produce a protein that helps the skin to lock in place.

Image copyright SPL
Image caption It seems surprising that scientists are experimenting with genes in the format of copy-paste “(cut-and-paste”)

Three years ago, scientists have invented a new method that allows cut- and be and paste portions of the genes for editing DNA.

Scientists around the world once took the fast, cheap and affordable way to adopt to speed up their own research.

Patients with diseases of the blood, immune system, muscle or skin disorders that gives hope that their defective cells can be removed, fixed in the laboratory and then re-implanted.

Ethics against genetic engineering

There is a huge camp of the opponents of genetic engineering, which includes a number of scientists and public figures.

For example Marcy Darnovski, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society in California, not against the fundamental research using genetically modified embryos, although she stressed that behind all this is necessary to establish strict controls.

She would have to have been established by international agreement to ban the use of genetically modified embryos for reproduction.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Genetic engineering can bring to the world even more inequality, say opponents of experiments

“It’s too risky, and we should not use it. We already have the ability to conduct a screening of embryos, which in most cases allows parents to get a healthy child, “- she said.

” This opens the door to genetically “right” and “wrong” people. We do not need more discrimination “- warns Darnovski.


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