Friday, September 11, 2015

The capsule with three astronauts to the ISS successfully landed in the Kazakh steppe – BBC

The capsule of “Soyuz TMA-16M” with three members of the ISS crew successfully landed in the steppes of Kazakhstan, the TASS .

On board are Russian Gennady Padalka, the Dane Andreas Mogensen from ESA and the Kazakh cosmonaut Aydin Aimbekov.

«There landing” – an inscription on the screen of the Mission Control Center.

«Rescuers opened the hatch to the lander and help the astronauts get out of it” – said the representative of the MCC.

After inspecting physicians astronauts are to deliver to Astana to meet with President Nursultan Nazarbayev in honor of the first cosmonaut of independent Kazakhstan, who came from outer space.

In turn, Gennady Padalka became the world record for time spent in space. In the five flights he spent 878 days outside the Earth.

The remaining ISS astronaut Scott Kelly American congratulated his colleagues on a successful landing.

“The plasma trail of the” Union “highlights the way home. Welcome to Earth, guys, “- wrote Kelly to Twitter .

Previous was reported that from the ISS undocked” Soyuz “with three astronauts.


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