In the academic disciplines of the Nobel Prize list of the most likely candidates to receive it traditionally compiled based on the number of citations of publications of scientists. Such lists are published annually by the company Thomson Reuters. This year, the Thomson Reuters has forecast in four disciplines – chemistry, physics, economics and medicine, which were 18 people, including former Russian immunologist Alexander Rudenskiy.
The first candidate for the prize for medicine called Jeffrey Gordon, who was able to demonstrate, between man and his human intestinal microflora there is some relationship, and microflora direct impact on general health, nutrient absorption and the risk of weight problems. Among other possible laureates – Katsuoshi Mori and Peter Walter.
These scientists independently gave an explanation of the mechanism to identify and correct the unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum – this process is a kind of system of “quality control” of cells, and the work of researchers will shed light on the emergence of many diseases and their possible treatment.
In addition, among the winners may be Ethan Shevach, Shimon Sakaguchi and Alexandr Rudenskiy who made “fundamental discoveries about the nature and purpose of regulatory T-cells ( cells of the human immune system. -” Times ») and the transcription factor Foxp3». Their achievement makes it possible to understand the mechanisms due to which there is an allergy, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory and other processes.
Alexander Rudenskiy is currently the director of the Ludwig Center cancer immunotherapy, a professor of the Memorial Cancer Center Sloan-Kettering University Rockefeller and Cornell University professor of graduate-Gerstner Sloan-Kettering and graduate faculty of Weill Medical Cornell University. Scientific career began Rudensk professor at Moscow State University, where he studied biochemistry and immunochemistry worked in the laboratory. Rudenskiy tells : «In 1979, I started working in the laboratory at the Research Institute Vitaly Yurina Epidemiology and Microbiology im.G.N. Gabrichevskogo in Moscow, one of the best laboratories of Molecular Immunology in the country. After some time, engaged in biochemistry, I was a little boring, and I gladly accepted the offer to Vitaly to study the biological functions of white blood cells – T cells, which are responsible for protecting the body against pathogens.
After receiving his doctorate I have worked for several years in the laboratory Vitali.
In 1989, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, I got a chance to go to West Berlin and to present the results of my work at the International Congress of Immunology .
I was happy to be among an international group of prominent scientists, to hear about their latest achievements. After that I started looking for an opportunity to participate in the work outside the Soviet Union ».
Alexander Rudenskiy Dzheyneueyu wrote to Charles, an outstanding American immunologist, and he invited Rudensk to work in his laboratory at the Yale School of Medicine. “Get permission to leave the country was difficult. I remember I called Charles from our home phone from the kitchen in the center of Moscow. English, to which I said then, it was difficult to understand, but Charles understood and helped me to settle the formalities, “- says Rudenskiy. Soon a Russian scientist with a wife and four children went to the US, where he still works.
The most likely candidate for the Nobel Prize in chemistry Thomson Reuters calls Carolyn Bertozzi, a professor chemistry and chemical and systems biology at Stanford University. Professor Bertozzi engaged in research
bioortogonalnyh reactions – chemical reactions that can occur in living systems without interfering with natural biochemical processes.
Thanks to them, you can watch the progress of the biochemical processes in the cells, leaving them with the living, and not breaking their integrity.
In addition to Carolyn Bertozzi Nobel Prize in Chemistry can get Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Dudna (for the development of a technique called CRISPR / cas-9, allows you to “edit” the genome of a living organism. This method allows you to find and replace damaged areas of the genome that in the future may help in the treatment of genetic diseases) and John Gudenof and Stanley Uittinhem who offered scientific basis for the development of lithium-ion batteries by which to charge mobile phones, tablet computers and other portable electronic gadgets, as well as medical implantable devices such as pacemakers.
Nobel Prize in physics, according to the company Thomson Reuters, can get Paul Corkum Kausch and Ferenc for his contribution to the development of attosecond physics, which uses lasers for registering molecular interactions occurring over one quintillion fraction of a second (quintillion – that’s 10 to 18-degree). Among the potential laureates were named Deborah Jin (s award can get for research monatomic gases at very low temperatures and the receipt of the first fermionic condensate – the sixth state of matter, after solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate) and Zhong Lin Wang, who invented and pezotronnye pezofototronnye nanogenerators – systems to convert mechanical energy into electricity. In practice, the invention can be used to create clothing from fabric, which when moving a person converts the mechanical motion into electricity.
The first place in the list of likely winners of the Nobel Prize in economics took Sir Richard Blundell. According to Thomson Reuters, the reward he deserved for
«brilliantly done by empirical microeconometric analysis, to deepen understanding of how policies affect the labor market and consumer demand, and in particular as adverse economic conditions affect households ».
Two other candidates – John Leaf, study, act a man – being in the natural environment of everyday life – in line with economic theory, as well as Charles Manski, who investigated exactly how people make a choice between two alternatives, if they know the consequences of choosing only one option. As an illustration, the following example: a person knows that, if we agree on the proven years of treatment of any disease, it is waiting for a known result, but it can not be assumed that there will be, if he agrees to a new experimental treatment.
forecast – not a guarantee of premium
Since 2002 the lists Thomson Reuters were correctly listed the names of 35 holders of the Nobel Prize. After a string of successful hit the scientist in a similar list for many it was almost a guarantee that sooner or later he will receive the award. However, since 2013 (then Thomson Reuters guessed only Peter Higgs and François Englert), the situation has changed: everyone else successfully predicted the winners of the company were named in the lists of previous years. Before such misfire occurred only in 1993 and 1996 and compiled the rankings since 1989.
In the past year, the company and do not guess any candidate (though the names of two Scientists – Sugi Nakamura and Jean Tyrol – were named in 2002 and 2007).
«misfire” case because the citation is still not a fundamental factor in the decision of the Nobel Committee. Like last year, said “” Richard Roberts, received in 1993 a medical “Nobel” “for the discovery of the broken structure of the gene,” “no one knows what principles guided the members of the Nobel Committee, determining the winner of. Nobody knows what they pay attention to how the discussions. Some details revealed in 50 years, but this is still not enough to make successful predictions. ” See how Thomson Reuters forecasts come true yet, you can is – asterisk marked the names of those who still received the Nobel Prize.
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