The limit of 140 characters that Twitter is a trademark honors since its launch in 2006, could be definitively canceled. Social Network creates a new product, which will publish tweets with no limit on the number of characters.
It is not known how it will look new service, but the sources of the news site in the field of information technologies Re / code claim that all users will be able to publish long messages. Also, the owners of the companies are discussing, as Twitter has to count the characters in messages and whether to exclude links and images from a rigid framework.
In the middle of August, Twitter had removed the limit on the number of characters in personal messages. Updates have occurred on all platforms: in versions for Android and iOS, online social networks, applications TweetDeck and Twitter for the Mac. In a personal communication was allowed to write up to 10 000 characters. But if innovation is not related to public side of Twitter – tweets remained normal for the restriction on the length of the posts with the ability to share pictures, videos, links, rollers vine, SIFCO and smiles.
It is now the events will develop is still unclear. However, some experts suggest that the innovation with the removal of restrictions is a step towards the creation of a separate application.
Journalists connect “relaxation” with the desire to temporary CEO Jack Dorsey expand its customer base, which to date has risen to half a billion registered accounts and 140 million active users. Dorsey said earlier that Twitter is hard to use, service is at a standstill, and must be developed, attracting a wider audience, reminds RIA “Novosti” .
A significant limitation of functional Twitter (to read long message, please click on the link service that provides this feature) users dissatisfied with the limitations in communications bypassed using services such as twitlonger or It extends the capabilities of messaging. So, is a special Web page, which is stored and tweet. However, then the entire message in less than two ordinary cells of messages – 280 characters. If the text is longer, the end appears “Read More”, after clicking on which already loaded with the full text.
It should be noted that the proponents of restrictions insist that this feature of Twitter is not to be changed: if you really have something to say, you have to learn to express it in 140 characters without extra clicks. Moreover, they predict that if the tweets will be long, the service will become boring and inaccessible to mobile users.
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