Wednesday, September 23, 2015

In Moscow, unearthed the oldest street – BBC

In Moscow, near the demolished hotel “Russia” being not only the construction of the park “charge”, but archaeological excavations, sometimes bring unexpected discoveries. Thus, recently, researchers from the Institute of Archaeology RAS during excavations in Zaryadye discovered ancient streets of Moscow tenements – the Great, which emerged at a very early stage of development of the capital, perhaps as early as the XII century.

street of the great runs along the river from the walls Kremlin to the marina, located in the eastern part of the charge. On it were several churches known to the XV-XVI centuries. Of all church buildings southern part of the charge has survived only the Church of the Conception of Anna.

In addition, an extensive network of alleys close to the street of the great, there are numerous wooden manor.

According to “” head of the excavation and the head of the department of archeology of Moscow Russia at the Institute of Archaeology RAS Leonid Belyayev, the street belongs to the earliest stages of construction of the city in XII-XIII centuries.

«Arathi placed under Kremlin hill and the population with a long pores, wearing the characteristic name” Hem. ” The hem was part of the whole territory between the Moscow River and the Kremlin hill, much more extensive in ancient times than in later when the stone walls of the city Podolny divided into two parts. But even after the construction of the wall in the Dmitry Donskoy on the Kremlin Hem lived a considerable amount of the population here were princely life “- wrote an outstanding Russian historian Mikhail Tikhomirov.

According to the historian, the hem of the great tenements, or the current charge, it was the oldest part of the city, China.

“At the same time the Moscow River Podolny of the Chinatown street crossed the Great, clearly visible on the old plan of Moscow: it is a continuation Podolny street in the Kremlin. Several unexpected title of “Great” or “Big” street dates back to ancient times and then taken out of the items, when the great hem Posada has lost its former importance. At the Great Street was a church with no less characteristic name – Nikola Wet. The cult of St. Nicholas, portrayed with wet hair, was distributed to travelers, especially seamen. Nicola was wet where pestered riverboats merchants make their long journey from Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod. It was at that time really “wet” place. In the XV century the area of ​​the church of St. Nicholas Wet was called “Porec” – wrote Mikhail Tikhomirov.

Indeed, Nicholas was the patron Wet distress in navigation. The church in his honor was built in the style of pseudo-Russian, and the first mention of it in the documents is in the middle of the XV century. It was she who gave the name Mokrinskiy alley, which transformed the Great Street. In Moscow church had another nickname – Nikola Vodopoets. The fact that the hem, which was a church sailors, once known vodopolem, as in some other cities. Vodopole – bed floods, it mirrored the words drawn from the same root.

Despite its name, the Grand Street in charge, in effect, lying in a valley – the hem in place, relatively little friendly housing. Posad is generally located on a hill. In the XV century Great Street at one end he left the Kremlin, while others rested against the swamp adjacent to the Great Posada on the east. After the construction of the wall in the 1535-1537 years of China-town street it was cut off from the Moscow River and began to terminate near the corner formed by the walls, where the Church of the Conception of Anna. So she has lost its meaning.

Later in the construction of the hotel “Russia” Wet Church of St. Nicholas was destroyed along with the lane Mokrinskiy largely repeats the route of the street. A Church of the Conception of Anna that in the Corner , is still in place.

Now it is time once again to touch the ancient Moscow. In fact excavations in charge with intermittently conducted since 1940. In general, the archaeological excavations carried out in Moscow in almost all areas of major construction works.

«We have been working in charges in 2006 and 2007. And in 2015 we started a new phase. Excavation laid in the south-eastern part of the vast area where there was a hotel, and it has paid off, “- said Leonid Belyayev.

According to him, the upper layers showed that the archaeologists were on the track of the street is large: almost all excavation width (6.5 m) take the log top-tier bridge XVII-XVIII centuries, which places the remains lay the first stone paving. From under this tier are visible logs earlier levels.

«These logs will help us in the creation of the first scale dendrochronology Moscow, which can not be built for several decades,” – said Leonid Belyayev.

Although still far from the oldest layers, into the hands of archaeologists has got many unusual discoveries: many ceramic XV-XVII centuries (and perhaps earlier) and architectural details. Among them – a piece of pilaster on the portal of a temple or palace with rarely seen an ornament in the form of a closely woven into a continuous carpet trehpryadnyh bands.

«This ornament rare but well-known Italian Renaissance architecture form that allows you to link the stone to the stage Russian-Italian construction time of creation of the walls of the modern Kremlin, its main cathedrals and grand palace “, – said Leonid Belyayev.

Among other mysterious discoveries – a fragment of terra cotta tile-town, as with classical ornament, which has not one, as usual, and two faces, and the method of installation is not clear on the stove (the usual “red” tiles already collected a fair amount).

«From an archaeological point of view of all areas of interest in Moscow. For example, I work almost all the monasteries – Novospasskoe in Novodevichy in Conception, in the Don and elsewhere. Especially interesting for us Kremlin. In 2007, there were remarkable excavations: unable to find the largest birch bark Moscow. Continued excavation undoubtedly shed new light on the history of the oldest streets in Moscow tenements, all of Moscow and the whole of the Russian state “, – concluded Leonid Belyaev.


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