The solemn – already 25th in a row – awarding ceremony was held on Thursday, September 17, 2015 late in the evening at Harvard University (USA) in the local Sanders Theatre.
Ignobelevskie prize (Ig Nobel Prize), which in Russia is called the Ig Nobel prize for research in various fields of science that “first laugh, and then make you think.” Current laureates ever meet this fundamental principle.
Chemicals eggs reversed!
Stuffing is impossible to turn the back of the extruded tube of toothpaste did not climb back. And of course the boiled egg will never be the same. These examples are usually provided in order to emphasize the irreversibility of some physical processes. But now the latter will have to be deleted. Because the inventive biochemists managed to create a seemingly improbable – to return the hard-boiled eggs to the original liquid state.
The victory over the eggs won a large group of scientists from California and Western Australia (University of California Irvine and the University of Western Australia) led by Professor Gregory Weiss (Professor Gregory Weiss). They are speaking the language of science, made a reversible process of denaturation of proteins, resulting in the yolk and white are hardened. For which he was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize.
The professor and his colleagues (Callum Ormonde and Colin Raston, Tom Yuan, Stephan Kudlacek, Sameeran Kunche, Joshua N. Smith, William A. Brown, Kaitlin Pugliese, Tivoli Olsen, Mariam Iftikhar, Gregory Weiss) boiled eggs 20 minutes – more than enough to cook them boiled. Biochemists then added into the shell of urea. It’s the splintered proteins, returning them to the liquid state. At the final stage of the experiment eggs were placed in a special mechanical device – a kind of vortex device (vortex fluid device), wherein the protein and egg yolk, remaining glued, completely separated from each other.
– Yes, we have invented a way to return to steep eggs to its original state – says Professor Weiss, had no qualms amusing received awards. After the experiments of American and Australian biochemists just look useless. On assurance of scientists, it is necessary to look at them more – not only on eggs. Because, in fact, developed faster and cheaper technology refolding of proteins, which may be useful in the biotechnological production of medicines and in cheese.
physics: time to 21 seconds
The American physicist noted for their discovery of the law which states: duration of urination is independent of the force of gravity, as well as the size, weight, height, sex melkopitayuschego, and lasts 21 seconds. That is, it is – the law of urination – is universal for all mammals, wherever they are. Though in the world, even on the Moon, at least in weightlessness on the ISS.
The very essence of the physical process, which is the act of emptying the bladder from accumulated fluid infiltrated a group of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta) under the direction of Patricia Young (Patricia Yang). Scientists have studied the speed of the process of shooting in different mammals – elephants, camels, goats, dogs, rats and even mice. They shot themselves in the zoo, looking for the appropriate video on YouTube. And it turned out in the end that all of them – these mammals – celebrate small need one and the same time: 21 seconds. Huge elephant, bladder, which holds about 20 liters, write 21 seconds and a small cat – exactly the same.
Why nature chose a duration of physics have not responded. But to create a mathematical model showing, allowing mammals of different sizes of empty the bladder at regular intervals. It’s all here in the press, the length of the urethra and its diameter. Americans have determined that by varying these parameters, depending on the size and sex of the write is, can satisfy the needs for something equal to the duration of urination. The difference is only in the fact that a large animal such as an elephant with a diameter of 10 meters urethra centimeters emptied powerful waterfall and small – the individual droplets.
Does the universal law on the people? It seems to be due. But the exact answer to this question the researchers are not. And to get it, it is necessary to conduct special experiments emptying optimally filled bubbles. After all, animals (except those that mark their territory) write only when I want to. That is, when their bladders filled to a certain level. A sentient beings can tolerate for long. Or rather just go to the toilet – which is called “on track.” When not like.
Patricia Young and her inquisitive colleagues (Patricia Yang, David Hu and Jonathan Pham, Jerome Choo) recently amended the open of the Law – decided that under its scope fall only those mammals whose weight exceeds 3 kg. That is, mice and hamsters eliminated.
Literature and?
Ig Nobel Prize was awarded a team of researchers from the Netherlands, the USA, Belgium and Australia, which established: interjection “eh?” It exists in all languages of the world. And if somebody needs something to ask again, or respond to, he can utter the “huh?”, Which is available in all languages sound the same, Hoti and spelled differently.
Management: are we going to do not terrible
People who as a child had survived some natural disaster – earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, fire – – is harder than ever scare into adulthood. Such, becoming, for example, business leaders, easily take risky decisions. For detection of latent before the relationship had been marked by the British scientists and their colleagues (Gennaro Bernile Vineet Bhagwat, P. Raghavendra Rau) from Italy, the US and India.
Economy: bribes smooth
Members of the Ig Nobel committee decided that the prize is worth the police in Bangkok (Thailand), which management has proposed to pay more money to those police who refuse to take a bribe.
Medicine: Kisses oblige marry
It is easy to guess that a passionate kiss, they say, passionately, do not go in vain for its participants. And it’s not about pleasure. Kissing, involving contacting the saliva, mucous membranes, and languages, award each other a variety of bacteria, including pathogens present in the oral cavity.
But it turns out, the process is even more intimate. A man, a woman lobyzaya implants in her areas of their DNA. And vice versa. In other words, the genetic material is exchanged. And this is something akin to sexual intercourse – in a such an easy manner. Maybe that’s why in the past – a more chaste – times with anyone not kissing. And if a woman gave herself to the power of a kiss, then she considered herself seduced. The man, who performed the kiss, in fact offered his hand and heart. As an honest man had to get married.
It turns out that the old traditions have contributed to the preservation of genetic purity.
But now even kiss passionately to nothing obliges. Both women and men kiss each other often, and with different partners. Circle – genetic mud. How long it is stored? The answer to this question got women scientists (Kamodyova N, Durdiakova J, Celec P, Sedlackova T, Repiska G, Sviezena B, Minarik G) from the Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (Institute of Molecular Biomedicine) and the University of Komensky (Comenius University) in Bratislava ( Slovakia). For which he received the Ig Nobel prize.
As the head of research Natalya Kamodeva, participated in the experiment 12 pairs. They kissed each other lobyzaya about 2 minutes. Then – after 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes – in women taking breath tests. So what? Men’s DNA – the genetic material partner kiss – able to easily identify even one hour after the kiss. Perhaps he – the material – is preserved for longer.
It turns out that love does not pass without a trace. Even kissing. Moreover, they could face unforeseen complications. Found in the mouth traces of alien DNA can serve as proof of adultery. Or, God forbid, sexual harasmenta. Criminologists are already interested in the results of research.
Math: If I were a sultan …
Austrian anthropologist Elizabeth Oberzauher (Elisabeth Oberzaucher) and German – Karl Krammer (Karl Grammer) interested in the sex life of the Moroccan Sultan Moulay al-Nasir Abu Ismail al-Samin ibn Rashid, who ruled from 1672 by 1727. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the sultan was the father of 888 children. Rumor is that spreading the French diplomat at the time, Dominique Busnot (Dominique Busnot), children of the sultan was from 1171 to 1704 by four official wives and 500 concubines.
Elizabeth Kars decided to assess the reproductive efforts of Sultan prikinuv how many sexual acts he had to make in order to achieve such an outstanding result. Using a complex mathematical apparatus and a special computer program, the researchers simulated sexually Moulay Abu al-Nasir Ismail al-Samin ibn Rashid. As a result, they identified: the sultan had sex from 0.87 to 1.43 times a day 32 years in a row – every day on average. The need for this number of women – from 65 to 110. I – Prize not long in coming.
Elizabeth for some reason decided that the father of the hero makes sexual exploits. Although, if you think about any healthy man without encountering resistance from the various members of the fairer sex, I would do that. Especially when his side has a harem.
biology: he approached me walk the dinosaur
As a rule, to understand the features of gait extinct animals, the researchers modeled their biomechanics on the computer. But US and Chilean researchers (University of Chile, University of Chicago, University of Illinois) have gone fundamentally different way. We decided to look at nature as walking, for example, 7-ton 13-meter Tyrannosaurus rex (Tyrannosaurus rex). A show “asked” … chickens – broilers.
To make tyrannosaurs chicks – in the sense of gait – Professor Goss Bruno (Bruno Gossi) and colleagues have added an important missing piece of their inherent lizard. Namely, long tails. The role performed tail attached to the back of the chicken wooden stick. It seems that it is ridiculous sticking, and led to award the Ig Nobel resourceful experimenters. By the way, at the award ceremony is one of them personally walked with like sticking a stick, depicting a dinosaur. At least he thought so.
The diameter of the sticks of chicken was 7 mm, weight – 15 percent of body weight. These proportions were real and tyrannosaurs.
The experiments started with chickens (Gallus gallus), age was 2 days, and weighs about 45 grams. It ends when those 12 weeks was executed, and the weight is 770 grams. In the process, scientists, given the natural increase in the size of chickens, in turn, weight and lengthens them artificial tails.
The study experimenters concluded: tail really makes its owner to move differently. Since changing the angle between the femur and tibia bones. The tail makes little squat standing and in motion – to straighten the joint at a greater angle.
If a chicken with his mother’s tail (feathers) went, sending forth his knee, then with artificial – wood – tail in the form of a stick it The gait becomes what is called “from the hip”. The head and neck are omitted, and the body has taken a more horizontal position.
Scientists believe that they have managed to reproduce very accurately gait tyrannosaur precisely because of the artificial tail serves as a kind of counterweight. For the control group chickens simply append weights, placing them above the center of gravity of the body. But nothing remarkable happened. That is not the weight of the body, and its length by the tail – that’s the main thing that forms the characteristic movements
Diagnostics: to shake, and then mercilessly cut
The doctors from Canada, the US, New Zealand and South Africa found: patients with appendicitis painful others react to the bouncing coach “ambulance” as she passes through the “sleeping policemen”. And if they really hurt, then the diagnosis can be no doubt – appendicitis to be ruthlessly cut.
Psychology and entomology: oh, how it hurts!
Combined Prize was awarded to Americans Justin Schmidt (Justin Schmidt) and Michael Smith (Michael L. Smith). One brought the so-called Idex Schmidt – a kind of rating that allows to evaluate how painful bite different insects. Another devoted himself to the bees. They bite Michael in different places, including intimate. And he estimated their feelings. And he came to the conclusion that the hardest – is when a bee bites into the nostril. That is, by the nose. Shnobel Or as we call it.
Of course, the scientist has made a discovery, since the majority of men before it was different – seemingly obvious – the view over the most painful places. But no, Michael checked out.
Russia remained without amusing awards
It is unlikely when it really has our country will be able to repeat the success of 2012, when the representatives of Russia took as many as three awards. Including the most honorable – the Ig Nobel Peace Prize. It was handed to Igor Petrov – an employee of SKN, based in the city of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region. It was invented as a way to undermine the explosives in need of recovery, it is transformed into diamonds. They – small – nano. Essentially dust. But the important point: it turns out something devastating creative. Nanodiamonds, by the way, are suitable for new – high tech – materials.
Our compatriot himself as Tulio Guadalupe, who, along with colleagues from the Netherlands – Anita Ireland and Rolf Zvaanom – was awarded in the field of psychology. In 2011, researchers published a paper in which he convincingly proved that if you tilt your head to the left (certainly to the left!), Viewing the Eiffel Tower, it seems that it is – the tower – supposedly became less.
The Russian – Ruslan Krechetnikov, now workers in the US and Canada, in tandem with the American Hans Meyer conducted a study entitled “You are a cup of coffee. Why did he splashed?” Ig Nobel Prize in the field of hydrodynamics presented to them for the answer to this question. So, the main reason for spilling coffee – uneven steps carrier.
Our information
“Ig Nobel Prize Committee” composed of employees of the humor magazine “Annals of Improbable Research” (Annals of Improbable Research), which established the comic award in 1991. He finds the nominees, studying the major scientific journals.
Arriving at the ceremony the winners as already instituted in 1991, receive awards from the hands of these Nobel laureates. This year, for the ceremony arrived Laureate in Chemistry Dudley Herschbach) Dudley Herschbach (chemistry, 1986), winner in Physiology or Medicine Carol Greider (Carol Greider – physiology or medicine, 2009 laureate for physics, Frank Wilczek (Frank Wilczek – physics, 2004) , winner in Physiology or Medicine Jack Szostak (Jack Szostak – physiology or medicine, 2009), Laureate in Economics Eric Maskin (Eric Maskin – economics, 2007), and winner in physics Jerome Friedman (Jerome Friedman – physics, 1990).
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