“dangerous proximity of the station could take place on September 27 at 14:41 Moscow time. The probability of convergence was high “, – said in a statement on the official website of the Russian Federal Space Agency. The maneuver was carried Mission Control Center (MCC), the experts calculated the parameters change the orbit of the station flight, according to which in the normal mode has been executed evasive action.
Changing the flight path of the ISS conducted four engines TGK “Progress M-28M” The time of operation was 299 seconds. After changing the trajectory of the maximum height of the orbit was 421.16 kilometers .
It should be noted that in recent years more and more specialists are forced to change the orbit of the ISS in connection with space debris. So, in July, the space station narrowly escaped a collision with a fragment of the Soviet satellite “Meteor”, who at the time were not able to replace specialists NASA. At the time, while keeping the risk of disaster, the crew docked at the station went to her “Soyuz”, but then returned to the ISS. In June, the station was just taken out of the blow shatter American satellite.
In July of this year, experts Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, led evidence that Earth revolves around 16.925 thousand objects of artificial origin. Of these, 3,917 thousand – work and the failed satellite, 13.008 thousand – other artificial objects, including rocket stages, boosters, large fragments of space technology. According to experts, in 50-60 years, the level of clogging of near-Earth space can significantly hinder further space activities.
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