Wednesday, September 9, 2015

For people “without request»: Amazon is preparing a tablet for $ 50 – REGNUM


Washington, DC, September 9, 2015, 10:32 – REGNUM On It-market in the near future will come one of the cheapest tablet – the 6-inch Kindle Fire HD for $ 50 from the American manufacturer of, Inc., reports The Wall Street Journal.

New products will be in demand by people “without prompting” mainly interested in downloading video home, buying and reading electronic versions of books. Reasonable price will have a downside in the form of low technical characteristics of the gadget, such as a single-channel speaker and the average image quality.

The head of, Inc. Jeff Bezos told of plans to create in addition to the tablet and e-book at the same price.

Despite the fact that Amazon is involved in the competition on the market of gadgets, the company said its main activity the sale of services for readers and tablets, said Bezos.

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