Will the Ukrainian Kulibin warm country, slowing down the Earth’s rotation, and Elon Musk – to save humanity, blowing up Mars understands science department “Gazety.Ru».
Just two statements claiming to perform a planetary scale projects to save mankind, were made yesterday in the press and were picked up by the world media. The author was the first American billionaire, head of the Space Corporation Space X Elon Musk, whose returned with missiles, many associate the future of private space exploration. On the television show Stephen Colbert entrepreneur began to think about how to save mankind and to question the master specified mockingly, how mankind can live on Mars, Musk said that for this purpose it is necessary to heat the Mars.
And it can be done in two ways – fast and slow.
Quick (and more attractive to the mask) – to blow up at the poles of the planet atomic bombs.
According to him, the explosion of devices will launch on Mars something with which humanity is trying to struggle on Earth – the greenhouse effect.
The idea is to, warm up the planet’s atmosphere, converted to a gaseous state water ice, which is a solid carbon dioxide is in the area of the polar caps. Does he believe in himself Musk feasibility of the idea, supported by whether its calculations and how he responds to a number of questions that inevitably arise when you try to imagine such a project is unknown. A lot of questions.
How many of these charges need? Is it possible to deliver them to the current level of missile technology in the foreseeable future, what will the settlers on the planet covered by “radioactive ash”, and finally, why newfound atmosphere light of Mars does not evaporate forever into space, unable to warm the surface?
– To raise the boiling point of water at the average level of the surface of Mars to 17 degrees Celsius, it is necessary increase the pressure three times. To do this, you need to add to its atmosphere of 5 × 10 13 t gas. If you do it by evaporating dry ice at the poles, required amount of energy equivalent to 7,500 gigatons of TNT, 15 thousand times the total power of the bombs exploded in the world for all time of nuclear testing.
We’ll have to get up and drag Mars 100 ths. tons of lithium-6 …
– such calculations in response to the imagination Mask cited blogger antihydrogen , in theoretical physics.
The scientist believes that to warm Mars can offer another, more elegant way of using nuclear energy: “We can consider another mechanism – polar caps sprinkled with dust from nuclear explosions, increasing their albedo. If only 1% of the incident sunlight on Mars to start up the evaporation of dry ice required an increase in pressure is achieved in just six years. ”
Ukraine slow down the Earth
Another, no less sensational statement on the possibility to influence the processes of planetary scale was made in a televised broadcast from the mouth of a far less well-known person – Chairman the board of the alliance “New Energy of Ukraine” Valeriy Borovik.
In an interview with the Internet newspaper «Explorer» he said that the alliance is ready, no less, to solve the energy problems of the Ukrainian revolutionary way, taking the energy of rotation of the Earth. “This so-called geostantsiya. Imagine you have in the house or in the back room is a wardrobe, and you will receive 100 kilowatts to anything not connected. Not from the sun, without water, but simply due to the rotation of the Earth, “- said a leading guest ether, barely contained a condescending smile.
«This will be the world’s first device of this kind. It is our know-how, unique in the world there, “- he said. Borovik said that such a project has been developing space agency NASA, but data on the results of their research is not yet public. “But I think that we are stronger”, – the expert said, without disclosing the principles of the project.
The deed is done, more specifically, the way, and the news that Ukraine intends to produce energy from the rotation of the Earth, began to live my life and multiply in the vast runet.
Intrigued muddy sensation science department “Gazety.Ru” tried to figure out how to work “geostantsiya” without violating the basic well-known principles of mechanics. The fact that the use for their needs the rotational energy of the Earth mankind learned long ago. This is a long-tested and uses of tidal power. Working during the tides, they are, in effect, rob the planet of the rotational energy without letting it immediately turned into heat in the depths of the ocean. In order to somehow inhibit the isolated land “cabinet”, the cabinet must make a start on something stationary,
and if not – would violate the principle of conservation of moment of inertia applied to the planet Earth.
to get through to some of the “Alliance” on the only listed on the site Kyiv phone failed. As well as the visit and the internet principles of the miracle plant. The only hitch – references to the “Projects” section of the “Geostantsiya” aimed at “removing potential from the rotation of the Earth and other planets to explore and study the generation of electricity, which will actually use the energy from the rotation of the Earth and other planets.”
Only thorough search on the Internet led to the publication of a long-standing one of the Ukrainian sites, to learn about the project Dnepropetrovsk inventor Vladimir Tolmachev. This project won the 1st place at the fair of ideas, arranged in 2007 by the same alliance.
«My goal was to find a footing in relation to which it would be possible to receive the energy of the Earth – said Tolmachev, inventor, mechanical engineer. – Such support is there: it is rapidly spinning flywheel, or as it is called, a gyroscope. ”
As usually happens in such cases, the scheme does not result in the installation. “Established inventor geo-energy plant consists of a basement, perceiving the energy of the earth, a gyroscope, hinged-lever mechanism and energy generator. Geo-energy station would receive mechanical energy, which is then, depending on the needs, can be converted into electricity or heat “, – the article.
The gyroscope, ie untwisted flywheel freely rotating in the suspension, can really maintain the axis of rotation while on the Earth’s surface. However, it is necessary to constantly spin that requires energy, and when you try to “remove” him from the axis of rotation of its energy will inevitably change – an issue on which the decision is not a word in the description. Instead, the inventor argues that,
how many thousands of people will be able to heat his instrument, how to slow down the Earth a million years of its work, and why his invention did not recognize.
Similarly, trying to make themselves many unrecognized Kulibin, and it sometimes pays off. What is completely pseudoscientific “gravitsapu» , running on budget money on the Russian satellite “Jubilee”, and almost has found a way to clean the state support water Petrik .
Similarly, recently declared himself the inventor of the Chechen Musa Alisultanov. It is, if not lying journalist “Russian Newspaper” Svetlana Emelyanov, promised to provide not only Chechnya, but all over the country and gratuitous energy , to get rid of dependence on oil.
What Alisultanov constructed – it has long been known in the art piston air motor, in fact, the petrol motor, which makes the work does not burn fuel and compressed air. The fact that the air where it is necessary to compress, energy costs, nor inventor nor enthusiastic journalist try not to mention it.
The turn Ukrainian idea, is anyone’s guess. The wait is long: there is promise to demonstrate the installation until the end of the year.
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