Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The US and Russia will hold a large-scale experiments on the isolation astronauts – 3DNews

Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IBMP RAS) reached an agreement with the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to conduct a series of large-scale experiments of insulation.

We are talking about modeling fly astronauts on long distances. Russia already has experience in conducting similar studies. In particular, it was carried out an experiment “Mars-500″ simulating manned flight to the Red Planet. In June 2010, six volunteers – three Russians, two Europeans and a Chinese – were completely isolated from the outside world almost a year and a half. The subjects lived in a specially equipped complex, depicting a spaceship. The crew of the simulated output to Mars orbit, undocking, landing and docking lander with the main complex as well as quarantine.

The main objectives of the project “Mars-500″ was the study of the interaction in the system “man – environment” and receive experimental data on the state of health and human performance, long present in isolation in a tightly enclosed space of limited volume in modeling the main features of the Martian flight (extremely long, autonomy, changed conditions of communication with Earth – communication delay, limiting consumable resources) and development of technologies of medical support of astronauts with reference to interplanetary flight.

It is now reported to have signed an agreement with the American company IBMP Wyle, a regular partner NASA, the development of new scenarios, insulation experiments. It is expected that they will take place from 2016 onwards, every year until 2020 th. It will be a simulation of different flights over long distances. Planned studies of varying duration – 4, 8, 12 or more months.


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