Apple is developing an unmanned vehicle and was seeking a testing ground for him in the area of San Francisco Bay. This was reported by British The Guardian referring to the correspondence Engineers Corporation.
According to the newspaper, as a test platform Apple interested in base GoMentum Station – the former object of the Naval Forces of the USA in California. The Pentagon, which owns an area of about 850 hectares, is positioning its property as “the largest secure test site in the world”, suitable for the testing of unmanned vehicles.
«There were rumors that Apple is working on the creation of an unmanned electric vehicle project Titan, however, only now its existence is documented, “- indicates the The Guardian. In support of his version about the activity of the company in this direction edition also adds that Apple CEO Tim Cook in recent months conducted a series of meetings with heads of companies, car manufacturers and Apple itself employs experts in the automotive industry, including Tesla Motors and Mercedes-Benz.
One of the leaders in the development of unmanned vehicles is Google. So-called Guglomobili first appeared on the roads of Nevada in May of 2012. By July of this year, there was already about half a dozen accidents participated by unmanned vehicles. In one of them in July for the first time people have been injured, and a month earlier in California nearly collided two unmanned vehicle owned by Google and Delphi Automotive Plc. In addition to them in the development of cars on auto-pilot involved a number of other companies; for example, in February this year announced plans for such a service to call a taxi from a smartphone Uber.
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