The organizers hope that experiment will help to prepare the first manned flight to Mars , which NASA hopes to implement in 2030-ies. It does not randomly selected and place of the experiment. His landscape volcano Mauna Loa in Hawaii resembles the Red Planet.
“The longer it becomes each mission, the better we understand what risks related to space travel “, – quotes the TASS project scientist Kim Binsted.
It should be noted that, since 2013, it will be the fourth group of scientists, doom themselves to imprisonment in the autonomous complex in Hawaii. The first two groups of hermits lived there for four months, the third – lasted twice as long. A new stage in the whole year long to begin August 28th.
In particular, it will continue to study the medical and psychological problems that can confront the crew are sent to rendezvous with the red planet. To this end, participants in the experiment in Hawaii will implement a fairly complex program of scientific research, while being under the constant supervision of specialists. Scientists will monitor their wards using cameras installed inside the complex, and the various sensors attached to their bodies. They can go outside only in space suits.
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