Windows 10 is distributed by personal and mobile computers users at an unprecedented pace. According to Yusuf Mehdi (Yusuf Mehdi), holding the position of Corporate Vice President of Windows and Devices Group (a division of Microsoft), just over a month since its launch, which took place on July 29, the new operating system reached 75 million units. What can I say – it is impressive, especially when you consider that for the realization of 40 million licensed copies of Windows 8, the company took a whole month, and the mark of 100 million was overcome only after six months. Of course, an important role in the success of the updated platform played and changed the distribution model: Windows 10 is available as a free upgrade in 190 countries, which is available to owners of licensed Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
Also, Mehdi was not lazy lead in his microblog many entertaining statistics – seems to have a little fun. Thus, to date, on Windows 10 successfully operating for more than 90 thousand computers and tablets of different configurations, the total duration of strimingovyh broadcasts games with Xbox One on the PC equals 122 Earth years, and the number of downloads of various applications of digital service Windows Store has exceeded that of the Windows 8 six times. Among other things, a top manager cited the example of several celebrities who have already managed to move to a new operating system and can not get enough of its possibilities – is Kim Kardashian (Kim Kardashian), Lady Gaga (Lady Gaga) and Dwayne Johnson (Dwayne Johnson).
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