Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ministry of Communications takes Internet under strict control – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

Ministry of Communications will have the right of veto in the Council of the Coordination Centre for Management domains« .ru »and« .rf “- on Monday said Sergei Grebennikov, director ROCIT – an organization which is among the founders of the Coordination Center writes “Sight».

«As to the role of the state, our goal, of course, her best efforts and all possible levels of management Coordination Center invite colleagues from the Ministry of Communications ( Ministry of Communications), so that they understand how and why management domain, and why it received such decisions, and not others, “- he said the agency” Interfax “said Director of the Regional Public Center of Internet Technologies (ROCIT) Sergei Grebennikov.

He said that in the future may appear at the Ministry of Communications of the veto in the Council of the Coordination Center (CC) decision-making.

«Now, for example, the Ministry of Communications has an informal veto power, and we are ready to fix it documented that the Ministry would make key decisions and to take those deemed improper and are not necessary “, – said Grebennikov, adding that such changes can be fixed in the future and in the Charter of the CC,” the Ministry of Justice if it misses ».

«This is the format of dialogue, and we very much willing to work with the Ministry of Communications and work out the integration, which will suit the ministry”, – quotes agency Grebennikov. Strengthening the role of the regulator ROCIT director explained the increased attention of the state to the functioning of the Russian segment of the Internet.

«Domain – is a very important critical infrastructure Runet, and the state’s attention to it increased. Our task – as much as possible to let the state inside the organization that there was no doubt that the domain will not collapse tomorrow “, – Grebennikov said.

Previously, the newspaper” Izvestia “reported that the Ministry of Justice registered the new statute of the CC, which deals administration of domain zone «.ru» and «.rf.” The new document has been strengthened role of the founders of the CC, including, among headed Grebennikov ROCIT, Union appear online operators (SDI), the Association of Networks (ADE) and the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN).

When Moreover, if the CC ruled earlier advisory council, and the role of founders was rated by the founders of the new statute will have new powers. Director ROCIT told “Interfax” that, however, due to the re-registration of the statute “no change in the CC and in the domain registration will not occur».

«Coordination Center for TLD RU” is an autonomous non-profit organization, was established in 2001. It has the authority to develop rules of registration of domain names in «.ru» and «.rf” as he accredits registrars.

Prior to the adoption of a new charter of the supreme governing body of the CC is the Council consisting of 13 members from experts, prominent Russian Internet community and a representative of the Ministry of Communications. Earlier, the director of KC appointed by the Board, however, the new statute will appoint its founders.

Tags: Internet

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