Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Biologists from MSU followed the death of cells in cardiac ischemia – RIA Novosti


A micrograph of brain cells dying culture

© Laboratory D. Papkovskogo

MOSCOW May 6 – RIA Novosti. Russian and Irish for the first time, biologists have tracked over how body cells respond to the lack of blood at the onset of a heart attack and what happens at the moment of their death due to lack of oxygen, the press service of the Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University.

According to WHO statistics, stroke and coronary heart disease and its associated complications are a major cause of premature death in people around the globe. Every year this category of diseases of the heart and blood vessels die about seven (in the case of ischemia) and five (in the case of stroke) million.

Dmitry Andreev of the Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology. AN White Lake at Moscow State University and a number of other Russian biologists, decided to find out what happens to the cells of blood vessels and the surrounding tissues after sudden cardiac arrest, narrowing or blockage of blood flow in their overgrowing by cholesterol or blood clots.

As the researchers explain, prolonged exposure to ischemia always leads to irreversible tissue damage and massive cell death. On the other hand, while the cells remain viable and can still be saved, which is why today, hundreds of research groups are trying to understand what happens in the first few hours or even minutes after the attack.

Andreyev and his colleagues tried uncover the secrets of the process, watching what proteins the cells were harvested, extracted from the brain of the rat fetuses in the first hour after treatment the culture medium of oxygen and glucose.

It was found that within 20 minutes after the start of stress significant changes in the synthesis of certain proteins, these changes subsequently increase. Most changed how work and going molecule proteins associated with mitochondrial and cellular respiration – is believed to biologists, cells are rapidly trying to adapt and switch to the “alternative” energy sources in order to avoid death.

Interestingly, these alternative ways of generating energy are not included in the special signal chain HIF, which is included in all living cells with a deficiency of oxygen. According to biologists, this discovery can be extremely interesting, not only in the context of combating ischemia, and cancer – the tumor cells using HIF and a number of other proteins to survive in conditions of constant lack of oxygen, and the neutralization will help fight cancer.

The findings of scientists, together with the results of experiments on the brain tissue of rat embryos were published in the scientific journal Genome Biology.

«We have a lot of plans for how to develop this subject, but at the moment we do not like to share them – in this area of ​​research is very serious competition, including from scientists of the world’s leading research centers. We look forward to continued collaboration with our colleagues, “- concludes Andreev.


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