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Along the coast of the Red Sea, scientists from the Turkish University have discovered a turtle with pererublennoy jaw. The animal suffered because of boat propellers.
Experts while feeding the turtle own, but it could not last forever, and it was decided to carry out the operation, the animal to return to the natural habitat.
The feature of the operation was that the scientists ordered the company BTech Innovationklyuv for the turtle. The beak was printed the 3D-printer by using innovative materials close in structure to the natural.
Specialists conducted a complex operation – successfully. At the moment, it is expected to the most dangerous stage of the transplant. You should wait for time and hope that the animal does not reject the artificial beak.
Turtle belongs to the species Loggerhead is a big sea turtle, which weighs 45 kilograms. She received the nickname akuti – 3. If the operation is successful, the animal set free.
Author: Renata Franz Reads: 1831 |
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