Spiders create their “serenades” with vibration
American biologist from the University of Cincinnati was recorded percussion tones that use the so-called “hum” wolf spiders (Gladicosa gulosa) to attract females, reports the BBC.
Scientists have long known that spiders lack the ability to hear, but the researchers recorded the call of the male spiders that these arthropods are transmitted by leaf. Spiders tinder dry leaves on the limbs, creating vibrations that capture and females.
Biologists including Alexander Sveger and Professor George Uets say that their discovery will help better understand the evolutionary development of communications, based on vibration. When scientists began to explore this kind of spiders found in North America, they discovered that there are already scientific evidence that they produce certain sounds – ecologists have reported quiet “choir spiders” that they heard in the forests of the United States.
The spiders are able to create a record physical vibrations, feeling the presence of another spider limbs, as well as predator or prey.
Recording Studio
Scientists have created a special recording studio for spiders. Spiders-males were placed on the surfaces of various types and recording the sounds they made. The researchers used a female smells to stimulate the sound activity of males. It is created by the friction of a special serrated body on the surface on which they are located.
Once, recorded sounds, scientists lose their female spiders. In this case, only the sounds transmitted through the air, physical vibrations that create the males were not.
It turned out that the “Serenade” act only if the spiders are on the hardwood or similar surface, easy to transmit vibration. And this also applies to vibrate and the recipient. Female spiders, fixed vibration – so that the sound is transmitted by them from sheet to sheet. On the legs of spiders in the area around the bend there are special sensory organs sensillum, thanks to which they “hear».
« We found out that it was responsible for the substrate through the air component of the sound – said Alexander Sveger. – on the granite, wood or clay surface can not create a vibration, or they are very weak and therefore almost no sound ».
The scientists hope to find out whether spiders have adapted to the creation of this song through the forest floor, and whether their behavior to uncover the secrets of primitive sound communication in the early stages of evolution.
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