Saturday, May 23, 2015

Scientists: love spiders sing serenades – Express-News

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23.05 | 19:54

It turns spiders can perform amorous serenade! Scientists know that the spider is not a hearing aid, that is, they are not able to receive sound waves. However, it is also known that they emit them. We even managed to record a “chorus of spiders” in the forests of the United States. What is the purpose of these spider sounds, for whom they are intended, decided to find the American scientists from the University of Cincinnati and Professor Alexander Sveger George Uets.

The researchers placed male spiders on the surfaces of different structure and recording the sounds they made. For the experiment, they used the smell of females to trigger a chorus of spiders. It turned out that the sounds are created using a special notched friction body on the surface on which the spider is.

The recorded sounds of male-female spiders lost, the sounds transmitted through the air, that is, the physical vibration of the surface on which the females, it was not. The reaction of this female “choir” was neutral.

A completely different picture was observed when males make sounds were on hardwood or like her surface that easily transmits the sounds in the form of vibration. Spiders females recorded the vibrations that are transmitted from sheet to sheet, with special sensory organ sensilla.

The scientists hope to uncover the secrets of sound communication at the dawn of evolution.


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