20.05 | 13:25
Despite the fact that sexual reproduction is a complex and not the most effective way of extending the race, besides having many disadvantages, it is selected the order of 3 million living species, including man.
By the way, there are populations that use other methods of reproduction and consisting solely of females. At the same time, these individuals are able to reproduce more offspring. This fact raises the question: why do we need male role they play in the evolutionary process of a species? Scientists have suggested that sexual selection is a major advantage over other types of extension and evolution of the genus.
In order to confirm their hypothesis, the scientists for 10 years in the laboratory observed the flour beetles. To determine the importance of intraspecific competition among males, the researchers varied the number of males and females.
After 7 years of observation, when the change took 50 generations of beetles, researchers found that the most active in the fight for females, males were more healthy and gave strong offspring. And beetles that mate with no competition for the “location” of females, have become extinct within 10 generations.
Thus, it was confirmed that sexual selection is important and effective in improving the filter type.
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