Wednesday, May 27 in Sevastopol on the area Ushakov opened its first high-tech bus shelters. The project will cost 30 million rubles. It is reported IA REGNUM.
« Payback period sufficiently long and takes more than a year – at the expense of outdoor advertising and payment systems », – quoted by the author of the project, the Sevastopol entrepreneur Anton Chervinsky.
Stop circuit equipped with navigation routes of public transport, four video cameras, free WiFi (up to 10 Mbit / s), USB-port charging , touch-terminal to pay for services. Information from the cameras is transmitted directly to the duty of police coverage WiFi – 10 meters. The project partners are companies SevStarTechnology (WiFi, video surveillance) and PayBerry (payment systems).
Residents of Sevastopol already try to stop high-tech
By the end of the current year it is planned to install about 30 such complexes throughout the city. Stops will appear in the central city ring, General Ostryakova Avenue, Avenue of October Revolution, in Balaklava, near the bus station.
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