Thursday, March 5, 2015

Siberian scientists have developed a device for cancer diagnosis on the basis of Breathalyzer – BFM.Ru

The development is ready for implementation in production; technology can be applied in other areas

The device for the detection of substances in the body markers of cancer and other serious diseases developed by specialists of the Novosibirsk Institute of Semiconductor Physics (IPP) SB RAS. Told TASS Head of the Laboratory of physical bases of Materials Silicon IFP Vladimir Popov.

«Our technology allows you to use it (the device) to work in the most sensitive range, the so-called” sub-threshold “- he explained, adding that Currently, the development is ready for implementation in production. Negotiations on this ISP is with the Federal Ministry of Industry and Trade. See also: In Novosibirsk learned to detect cancer at nanodiagnostics urine

Popov noted that the technology can be used to the detection of various substances in very low concentrations, for example, several molecules of a marker substance in a milliliter of blood cancer. This is particularly important in the early stages of the disease, when the tumor has not yet developed, and detect the disease by conventional methods will not work.

At the same time, said the official, diagnostic methods can be varied – depending on the configuration, the device can detect the presence of various substances in saliva, blood samples of other human tissues.

«You can register to exhale as in alkotestere. The device will show that you breathe, so you can diagnose lung cancer, “- said Popov.

In addition to cancer, the technology to diagnose other diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, and can also be used in other areas, for example, to search for explosives or drugs.


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