Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Roscomnadzor hit on Twitter! –

If the official representatives of the social network Twitter did not stop to ignore requests from Roskomnadora, it is likely that the Russians will soon be left without the opportunity to tweet liked!

Twitter since the end of last year, persistently fails to respond to requests Roskomnadzora eccentric. The fact that the latter impudently requests information on what pages attendance is the most famous Russian bloggers. Of the 108 requests (Well it was not lazy!), Composed Roscomnadzor, no response has been received to none.

In fact, Twitter is absolutely no obligation to provide such information to anyone. However, this position may cost him the entire time the Russian audience, as a social network can simply ban in Russia, as happened to many social networks in China.

The law of bloggers in the Russian Federation was officially adopted almost a year ago. It requires any Internet resource, the audience exceeding 3,000 unique visitors per day, immediately recorded in Roskomnadzor. In addition, the new law imposes a bunch of restrictions on the thematic content of websites and blogs. In other words, censorship still spread to the Internet. And, this time, all seriously.

All of their failures and attacks ignore Twitter explained respect for freedom of speech. Say, in Russia it dies. Twitter representatives said they are not obliged to give anyone information about attendance accounts registered users. In those things in which the rules of law in Russia and the US are the same (as pornography, violence, terrorism propaganda), Twitter is going to meet. But such notions as “blasphemy” and “insulting a representative of power” in US law is not, and to deal with them because Twitter is not.


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