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11:05 03.07.2016
(updated: 12:03 03.07.2016 )
1823 4 2
MOSCOW, July 3 – RIA Novosti Fragments of the first space of the truck new. series “Progress MS” fell on a Sunday in the non-navigational area of the Pacific ocean in the so-called graveyard of spaceships, told RIA Novosti spokesman for the mission control Center (MCC).
“Progress MS” July 3, 2016 completed its mission. According to the estimated data, the ship entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, where there was a structural failure, and its fireproof fragments fell in a given area of the Pacific Ocean, “- said the agency
.” The progress MC “, the first of a new series Russian space truck, was part of the ISS since December 2015. For the station, he docked in automatic mode. Before him, all cargo to the station were delivered ships series “Progress M-M ‘, the last of which was the” Progress M-29M “, mixed by a orbit and flooded April 8, 2016.
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