Sunday, July 10, 2016

The second orbiter China “Tiangong-2″ delivered to the launch site – RIA Novosti

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BEIJING, July 10 – RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov The second Chinese. the orbital module “Tiangong-2″ (Tiangong-2) has been successfully delivered to the launch pad Baikonur Jiuquan in Gansu province, reports on Sunday, Xinhua agency reports referring to the engineering program department manned space spans China (CMSEO).

It is reported that the module was transported to the launch site from Beijing by train. At Baikonur launch site will be a variety of final test module “Tiangong-2″ and installation systems module before running.

At the end of June, the representative of the program Wu Ping said that the launch of the second Chinese orbital module “Tiangong-2″ of manned space flight will take place in mid-September. According to her, the astronauts to find the module have already been selected and undergo intensive training. Earlier, deputy chief designer of the orbital module “Tiangong-2″ Liao Jianlin said that the astronauts will stay in the module “Tiangong-2″ a total of 30 days.

China has completed installation and began testing a second orbital module “Tyangun- 2 “at the beginning of April. After installation, debugging mechanisms have been developed and performance testing of all module systems. This module must be docked with a cargo spacecraft, scheduled for launch in the first half of 2017.

“Tiangong-2″ will consist of two cabins, one of which is sealed, it will live astronauts and conduct experiments, as the second cockpit will house solar panels, batteries, fuels and engines. It has been reported that the launch of the module “Tiangong-2″ will be sent for testing life-sustaining technologies for future space station.

The first-class Chinese spacecraft orbiting station “Tiangong-1″ (Tiangong-1) was launched in September 2011. At the end of March 2016 “Tiangong-1″ completely ceased to function. He conducted in orbit for a total of 1630 days. Project module life has been exceeded for two and a half years. At the moment, it still remains at a predetermined orbit. It is expected that “Tiangong-1″ in the next few months as a result of decrease enters the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up.

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