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15:05 05.07.2016
(updated: 15:13 05.07. 2016 )
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“The camera on board the Juno – special. She can get the same quality and type of pictures and videos as if you were sitting on the board of the probe and filmed Jupiter on video using your iPhone or other smartphone, “- said Scott Bolton (Scott Bolton), head of mission of the Southwest research Institute in Boulder (USA).
Booster Atlas V with Juno probe was launched from Cape Canaveral on August 5, 2011.
The first scientific data as noted by Steve Levin (Steve Levin), supervisor of the mission will be received until August 27, when researchers incorporate and re-check all Juno tools disabled during rendezvous with Jupiter.
Tonight Juno came to the final part of his “Odyssey” to Jupiter. At 6 hours and 18 minutes, the probe including the main engine, which worked for about 35 minutes, after which the space probe slowed his pace and went on convergence trajectory with Jupiter
In the photo:.. Probe model Juno in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California
probe mission Leaders Juno after the unit to the orbit of Jupiter.
After completing the braking, the Juno flew over the “back” of Jupiter, the planet of having flown from the north pole and taking off from the south pole. Now the probe is temporarily stable orbit around Jupiter, where he will make one revolution around the planet for a little over 53 days. Juno will revolve around the largest planet of the Solar in a polar orbit of the system in order to minimize the time that he will spend in the radiation belts of Jupiter, and still be close to the planet
In the photo:. Model current position Juno apparatus
Based on current NASA estimates, the Juno will make at least 37 turns, during which the probe will study clouds of Jupiter, learns that hides behind them and “feel” of its magnetic field
in the photo:. remote probe control Juneau in Pasadena, California
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The primary probe task will be to study the chemical composition of the planet: in particular, the unit will assess the amount of oxygen and water, which will narrow the range of hypotheses about the process of the formation of gas giant
in the photo:. model Juno probe against the backdrop of Jupiter image.
On board the research probe Juno are peculiar charms – aluminum “Lego” -figurki Galileo and the Roman gods Jupiter and his wife Juno. about 3.8 centimeters tall figurines similar to the figures from the usual “earth” set designer. They, like the electronics unit, covered with protective plates.
Head of mission Juno Rick Naybakken jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
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