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08:42 01.07.2016
(updated: 09:00 01.07.2016 )
491 2 0
MOSCOW, July 1 – RIA Novosti The cargo ship “Progress MS. “, which will be carried out tests of the modernized system remote manual spacecraft control – TORU (teleoperator control mode), undocked from the International space station (ISS) in accordance with the flight program
Broadcast operation goes on NASA TV channel. . Manage cargo ship took the persons on board the ISS astronauts Roscosmos Alexei Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka. In the course of the planned testing of cargo ship will be withdrawn from the docking compartment “Pirs” (SB-1) ISS at a distance for about 200 meters to fully test the TORU.
Testing is necessary to complete the flight test program of the ship “Progress MS “. The final testing stage will return “Advance MS” and back to the ship Docking Station. Joining in the “manual” mode is scheduled for July 1, 2016 at 9.10 MSK module SB-1 “Pirs” of ISS.
TORU system is a system for remote manual control of spacecraft motion, is controlled by two joysticks and remote from the ISS. A joystick is controlled by the movement of the ship, the other – his orientation. The system also includes a camera mounted at the junction of the ship.
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