MOSCOW, July 5 – RIA Novosti. Almost perfect maneuver Juno to enter the orbit could save significant fuel reserves that can prolong his life, but NASA does not know how much “extra” fuel left in the probe tanks, said RIA “Novosti” Guy Boytelshis (Guy Beutelschies), one of the probe developers from Lockheed Martin
“So far, we have only the most basic data -. Doppler shift Juno signal – indicating the successful completion of the maneuver to enter the orbit of Jupiter, and how long lasted maneuver. Just how efficiently the engine worked, we still have to evaluate, and these data will help us understand how much fuel we can “pass” Scott (Bolton) and research team, “- said the engineer.
According Boytelshisa, head of interplanetary programs at Lockheed Martin, now he and other engineers involved in the development of the Juno, the most interested in how the probe will withstand the “bombing” of radiation during passage through the radiation belts of Jupiter. These data, as an engineer notes will help NASA and Lockheed Martin to prepare for the creation of the probe “Europe-Clipper”, which will go to look for life on Europa, Jupiter’s moon, at the beginning of 2020.
When it comes to fuel stocks , that while the project scientists and engineers prefer not to talk about the possibility of extending the mission. On the other hand, writes Emily Lakdavalla (Emily Lakdawalla) Planetologicheskogo of society in his Twitter, sources at NASA told her today that such a possibility has already been discussed. Of course, before Juno will orbit at a stable scientific, talk about it prematurely.
Tonight Juno came to the final part of his “Odyssey” to Jupiter. At 6 hours and 18 minutes, the probe including the main engine, which worked for about 35 minutes, after which the space probe slowed his pace and went on convergence trajectory with Jupiter.
After completing the braking, the Juno flew over the “back” of Jupiter, having flown for the planet from the north pole and taking off from the south pole. Now the probe is temporarily stable orbit around Jupiter, where he will make one revolution around the planet for a little over 53 days. Juno will revolve around the largest planet of the solar system in a polar orbit in order to minimize the time that he will spend in the radiation belts of Jupiter, and still be close to the planet
The primary probe task will be to study the chemical composition of the planet.: in particular, the unit will assess the amount of oxygen and water, which will narrow the range of hypotheses about the process of formation of the gas giant. According to NASA’s current estimates, the Juno will make at least 37 turns, during which the probe will study Jupiter’s cloud, he learns that hides behind them and “feel” of its magnetic field.
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