The news of scholars compiling rankings of countries on the size of their breasts on the eve of the residents has become a global sensation, for which seized even authoritative international media. Link to original study led in The Journal of Female Health Sciences. However, there is a caveat: as the learned “Times”, this scientific publication does not exist, the drafters of the rating invented as the institutions in which they work,
and self study – the most common fake
Archimedes and ladies’ charms
<-.! place 8017949, / science / 2016/01 / 13_a_8017949.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut , incut1_link ->
June 30 leading foreign and Russian media (including «BBC» ) reported on the results of work of a non-existent “international team of experts.” According to the publication, the researchers analyzed the size of the breast 342 thousand. Healthy women aged 28 to 30 years from 108 countries of the world. To participate not invited pregnant women the fair sex, nursing mothers and women undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
In addition, its contribution to the study could not make the ladies who made enlargement surgery chest.
«Scientists’ chest women from different countries allegedly measured not only in the usual centimeter – for example, they used the” method of Archimedes “- immersed female breast in the water and on the number of poured liquid is determined, breast of size had this or that woman
In the end, “revealed” that the best busty women -. American whites. Following are the ladies from Canada, then – dark-skinned American. In fourth place – the woman from Ireland, the fifth – in Poland, on the sixth – in the UK, on the seventh – in the Netherlands, in the eighth – from Colombia, the ninth – from Iceland, on the tenth – from Venezuela. Eleventh place was given to Turkish women, fifteenth -. To Germans
As for our country – Russia was on the 40th place (just behind Switzerland, Belarus and Kosovo). Ukraine “has overtaken” have almost twice, once on the 21 th place. But most women with small breasts, according to the “learned” to live in the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Samoa and the Solomon Islands.
«experts» pochemu-to not included in the rating of these countries, such as Georgia.
The study results were so encouraging that the volunteer by the name of Sam Bennett, the namesake of the famous Canadian hockey player, was «card average breast size in different countries of the world.”
The most charming and attractive
The most amazing thing is that the major studies related to volume, shape and attractiveness of the female breast, really held. So, a few years ago, a team of scientists demonstrated a group of volunteer men pictures of the same woman, which was governed by breast size using Photoshop. All study participants were supplied with the device, follow the movement of the eyes
As a result, found out , that the view of men is primarily focused on the chest and at the waist, and then -. The rest of the body. By the way, the survey participants in the experiment were asked to indicate which picture they had the most to their liking. According to men, women are the most attractive to the figure of the “hourglass” (narrow waist, wide hips).
It is this type of figures had sex symbol Marilyn Monroe.
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They also boast Sophia Loren, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Simpson.
recently, another team of scientists found , the placement in the summary photo, which noticeably deep neckline, 19 times increases a woman’s chances of being invited for an interview. In the experiment it was used two women – similar in appearance and possessing nearly identical skills and experience in sales and accounting. They applied to the summary of pictures, where they had clothes or round neckline or a deep neckline.
Within three years, each participant sent a CV with a photo to the neckline 100 vacancies and a photo in a traditional dress -. a further 100 positions
As it turned out, resume neckline brought more invitations to interview, with 62 more in the field of sales and 68 – in the field of accounting .
Breast need for hitchhiking
In March of this year, plastic surgeons and psychologists tried to determine what breast size is considered ideal and attracts most men views. The study was conducted in Italy, a country that is famous for its busty, sultry beauties. The team has formed a focus group of 958 Italians. Participants were asked to rate the attractiveness and symmetry of women depicted in the photographs from different angles – front, in profile, half-turned. It would seem that the results are predictable: the larger the breasts, the more attractive its winner. However, as emphasized by the scientists, no less important is the attitude of the breast size in proportion to the body.
Points of the ladies in the photo, on the scale of “harmony” and “attractiveness” They were almost identical.
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the following conclusion was drawn from the research: spending breast augmentation, plastic surgeons should be offered the ladies the best option in accordance with the proportions.
Another confirm that high resolution is of great importance, was obtained by scientists from the University of South Brittany . As the French have found impressive female form make men more willing to offer their help.
For the study Nicolas Gegen, a professor of social and cognitive psychology, conducted a selection among the 15 students. As a result, 20-year-old pretty girl, which nature has endowed a small bust has been selected.
The experiment was carried pleasant summer day, at the beginning of the holiday season. Hitchhiking for the French is commonplace, and many popular destinations are special places where voters expect for travel.
From two o’clock in the afternoon until six in the evening a young French woman was standing on the roadside, I am trying to catch the car.
All this time the girl was quite simple and unremarkable dressed: jeans, sneakers and a white tight shirt. In the experimental conditions, it did not use makeup. I only have the size of the student bust: it is three times change clothes bra with cups from A to C (which corresponds to the usual in Russia first, second and third dimensions)
For the experiment of the car, standing 500 meters from the girl’s voice. We observed two scientists. They had to count how many cars stop, and special characters to fix, who sits behind the wheel. Each potential companion honest woman reported that a study is carried out and actually help she needs.
It has been found that during the time of the experiment, the student agreed to lift 1.2 thousand. People, among whom there were 774 men and 426 women. The greater the cups of her bra, the more we have of men and fewer women, summed up the experts.
In general, a woman’s breasts can not only inspire poets and writers to create poems and novels, but also scholars – to conduct serious research.
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