Thursday, March 3, 2016

Russian scientists have created a prototype nuclear batteries – TASS

The Russian scientists from FGBNU TISNCM, MIPT, MISA NUST and NPO “Luch” presented a prototype nuclear batteries can operate continuously for 50 years, their range of application extends from medicine to rocket, TASS reported the press service of NUST MISA. Nuclear batteries are used as energy material nickel-63 isotope

“Stated term trouble-free operation is 50 years Scope of products -. From kardioimplantatov up spacecraft for deep space exploration.”, – Stated in the <. br />
Scientists have created a technology to create a beta-radiation into electrical energy converters based on piezoelectric single crystals for use in stand-alone beta voltaicheskih AC voltage batteries. According to the report, Russian scientists are used as an electron source in the nuclear isotope battery “nickel 63″ half-life of 100 years, and its radiation is not harmful to living organisms.

“The use of pulsed sources food (they accumulate and give charge) to overcome the limitations caused by the small capacity of the beta voltaicheskih nuclear batteries. For example, in a pulse mode, one beta voltaichesky element is capable of producing power up to 1 mW / see 3 at low power densities of power battery material, collected based on them, is able to provide a continuous power output of 10-100 nW / cm3 – enough to provide power kardioimplantata “, – said one of the authors, professor Yuri Parkhomenko of MISA, was quoted as saying in a statement
application development includes Russian nuclear energy, microelectronics, biomedical, aerospace electronics.
“The new development scientists NUST” MISA “great potential, as the need for reliable power supply components with a long service life is sufficiently high. Taking into account the unique characteristics: small size and safety of beta-voltaicheskie batteries developed at our university, can take significant market share similar sources of power “, – said the Rector NUST” MISA “Alevtina Chernikov, quoted by the press service of



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