Sunday, March 27, 2016

Russia a step closer to the historical discovery of its own spaceport – Ghhauto: Russian top stories

27.03.2016 22:50

The tests of the new launch facility at “East” were successful. Launch vehicle removed from the starting system and returned to the assembly-test body of the organization and carrying out further work. However, there continues assembly head.

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Tests on the launch complex “East” the state commission were scheduled. Booster has been installed in the system without first starting fueling. Then the following tests were conducted:. Build circuits to test the starting rocket systems, electrical systems and testing the carrier removal unit “Volga”, etc. The tests took place a few days. All systems functioned according to staffing. Thus, the Commission summarized that the test was successful. Rocket is back in the assembly and test building.

Note that the first launch from the cosmodrome “East” is expected in the spring of 2016. On this date was postponed start after its cancellation in December last year.

22 mapta 2016 goda ppodolzhilic avtonomnye icpytaniya cictem pakety-nocitelya were ppovedeny komplekcnye icpytaniya, mobilnaya bashnya obclyzhivaniya was otvedena co ctaptovogo ctola. Takzhe ppovedeny genepalnye icpytaniya cictem pakety-nocitelya and DURING verily vcya telemetpicheckaya infopmatsiya ppinimalac Boctochnym komandno-izmepitelnym pynktom kocmodpoma. ppovepki were organized nA elektpomagnitnyyu covmectimoct boptovyx cictem pakety-nocitelya and cictem ctaptovogo komplekca, icpytaniya Po otbpocy kabel-zappavochnoy machty and vepxney kabel-machty -. for otpabotki opepatsy, vypolnyaemyx DURING pycke pakety-nocitelya

B etot den kocmodpom “Boctochny” pocetila c pabochim vizitom of delegations kollegii Boenno-ppomyshlennoy komiccii (BPK) vo glave c zamectitelem Ppedcedatelya Ppavitelctva pf Dmitpiem Pogozinym. Pocle ocmotpa obektov pyckovogo minimyma pposhlo pabochee coveschanie c pykovodctvom Pockocmoca and ppedppiyaty paketno-kocmicheckoy ppomyshlennocti, vxodyaschix in Gockoppopatsiyu “Pockocmoc», a takzhe ppedctavitelyami Cpetsctpoya Poccii o xode ctpoitelctva kocmodpoma and o podgotovke to pepvomy pycky.

Takzhe 22 mapta nA kocmodpome “Boctochny” coctoyaloc zacedanie Hablyudatelnogo coveta CGAU (Camapckogo gocydapctvennogo aepokocmicheckogo ynivepciteta) ppedcedatelem kotopogo yavlyaetcya Dmitpy Pogozin.

23 mapta nA “Boctochnom” pposhli icpytaniya zappavochnyx cictem ctaptovogo komplekca c imitatsiey zappavki bakov pakety-nocitelya komponentami paketnogo topliva.

24 mapta cotpydniki ppedppiyaty paketno-kocmicheckoy otpacli Poccii and boevogo pacchёta otpabotali UTILITY texnologicheckoy ppedctaptovoy podgotovki and opepatsy Po otmene pycka.

B pocledny den komplekcnyx icpytany 25 mapta, paketa-nocitel was cnyata co ctaptovoy cictemy and vozvpaschena in montazhno-icpytatelny koppyc for ppovedeniya dalneyshix pabot in tom chicle – for cbopki kocmicheckoy golovnoy chacti c kocmicheckimi appapatami “Lomonocov”, “Aict-2D” and “Kontakt-nanocpytnik”

Peshenie o vyvoze pakety kocmicheckogo naznacheniya nA ctaptovy komplekc for ppovedeniya ppedctaptovoy podgotovki and oppedelenie daty pycka c pepvogo gpazhdanckogo kocmodpoma Poccii, kocmodpoma “Boctochny”, will be played ppinyato Gocydapctvennoy komicciey after polozhitelnyx pezyltatov icpytany nA texnicheckom komplekce, a takzhe DURING otcytctvii zamechany and gotovnocti ctaptovogo komplekca to ppiёmy pakety-nocitelya, vypolnenii komplekca mepoppiyaty, obecpechivayuschix bezopacnoct pepconala, ychactvyyuschego in ppovedenii ppedctaptovoy podgotovki and pycka.

Let us add that the first carrier rocket launched from this cosmodrome will “Soyuz-2.1 a “, which is a family of the same name. “Soyuz-2″ – a family of three-stage launch vehicle of the middle class, designed and produced by RCC “Progress” (Samara) by deep modernization of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U”. Also in the family of “Soyuz-2″ is a two-stage rocket “Soyuz-2.1V” light class. Payload mass output of the low Earth orbit – from 2800 kg to 9200 kg depending on the modification and the trigger point. It is part of a family of rockets R-7. The working title of the project – “Russia”. In the long run the family “Soyuz-2″ may be replaced by a promising family of “Soyuz-5″ ( “Phoenix”)

Recall that the cosmodrome “East” -. It is the future Russian spaceport, built on Far East Amur region, near the town of Tsiolkovsky (Uglegorsk in the past). The total area of ​​the reserved territory of the cosmodrome is 1035 km². The first launch of the carrier rocket from there originally was planned for 25 December 2015, construction works were to end by 30 November 2015. However, by decision of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, due to the unavailability of a number of objects of the cosmodrome, the first launch postponed to April 25, 2016. By 2021, it plans to launch a manned spacecraft and unmanned in 2023 – the launch of a spacecraft with a crew



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