03.03.2016 <- - include virtual="/ nm2015 / ssi / news / bulka.shtml" !> | 19:16
An international team of planetary scientists has found that the formation of the ancient Martian region Tharsis (Tharsis) billions of years ago caused catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate . More information can be found on the website of the journal Nature .
Tharsis Region is a vast volcanic plateau near the equator. It is isolated dome and Tharsis plateau, as well as depression, which partially surrounds the dome. The region has the largest volcanoes in the solar system (extinct), the highest of them – Mount Olympus – has a height of 26 km above mean level heights on the planet. It is believed that Tharsis was formed about 4,1-3,7 billion years ago as a result of powerful volcanic eruptions. This event changed the slope of the Martian axis, resulting in the entire region moved closer to the equator.
In the new work, scientists conducted a simulation, allowing you to restore the topography of the region before the formation of the volcanic plateau. It turned out that for the existence of the observed distribution of river systems do not require the presence of Tarsis volcanoes. This proves that the ancient Martian rivers channel formed at the same time as the volcanoes in the region Gesperiyskuyu era about 3-3,7 billion years ago. The authors believe that throughout the time of formation of the Tharsis volcanic plateau in the region of much rain falls.
Scientists believe that the formation of the Tharsis region, apparently caused catastrophic changes in the planet’s climate. The new work offers opportunities to explore the geology and climate of ancient Mars in the first billion years of the planet
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