Monday, March 14, 2016

The first “Martian” mission of the EU and the Russian Federation was launched from Baikonur – RIA Novosti

BAIKONUR (Kazakhstan), March 14 -. RIA Novosti, Alexander Kovalev Carrier rocket “Proton-M” with the first EU co-operation in the history of Russia and the station to search for life on Mars ExoMars 2016 launched Monday afternoon from Baikonur

The main objective of the mission of the year 2016 -. search for traces of the presence of methane in the planet’s atmosphere, which would confirm the presence of life on Mars in the present or the past. At this stage also have to check the key technologies for the second expedition ExoMars, scheduled for 2018.

“Start” Proton “was held at the estimated time. Branch of the head space portion in the composition of the upper stage” Breeze-M “and the station ExoMars happened at 12.41 MSK. Branch of the spacecraft from the “razgonnika” is scheduled for 23.13 MSK. The report of the received signal from the station plan at 00.28 MSK, “- said the representative of the Russian Federal space Agency.

European Union and Russia: to Mars together

ExoMars-2016 and ExoMars-2018 is a unique joint project of the European space agency (ESA) and the state corporation “Roscosmos”. During the first mission, orbiter Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) examine atmospheric trace species and the distribution of water ice in the soil of Mars. To do this, TGO will be used, including Russian scientific equipment developed by the Space Research Institute (IKI) RAS. It is expected that the demonstration landing module fulfills Schiaparelli-entry and landing will take place on the surface of the Red Planet.

The second stage of the mission is planned to implement during the next start-up in 2018, when Mars is scheduled to deliver a full descent module and a rover. Through the implementation of the second phase in Europe and Russia is the first mission ExoMars will be the opportunity to drill the soil of Mars two meters in depth and take samples of the soil.

Scientists believe that methane decomposes under the influence of ultra-violet solar radiation and can be about 300-600 years, which is a very short time in geological time scales. This means that the gas that is present on Mars now, could not be produced 4.5 billion years ago when the planets formed the solar system, so it is logical to try to look for signs of life on the planet.

It is known that more than 90% of methane in the world is produced by living organisms. Recently, this gas was registered in the regions of Mars, adjacent to the northern hemisphere. This causes great interest among scientists, since gas may well be of biological origin. It is proved that in the world there are bacteria species methanogenes, capable of producing methane as a result of metabolism deep beneath the surface. Scientists suggest that below the permafrost layer on Mars, like bacteria, too, is quite able to survive and produce methane.

However, the specialists there are other logical explanation for the methane presence.

An alternative view it is that the Martian methane – geological origin, and could turn out as a result of the oxidation of iron, as it happens in the world next to the hot springs or near active volcanoes. Both these theories have the right to life and can be tested during the two ExoMars missions.

The Russian component

In addition to rockets “Proton-M” Russia has provided for implementation of the project a number of important scientific instruments. Space Research Institute – one of the main creators of the unique spectrometer complex Atmospheric Chemistry Suite to study the chemical composition of the Martian atmosphere the orbiter TGO. The supervisor of the complex is Oleg Korablev, head of the physics of planets IKI

The complex includes four instruments:. First Fourier them – spectrometer for monitoring of three-dimensional fields of temperature (including at different heights), aerosols mapping and detection of minor components of the atmosphere.

 Mission ExoMars

© Photo: ESA / ATG medialab

The second instrument is the Echelle spectrometer, near-infrared, and is designed to monitor vertical profiles of carbon monoxide and water vapor, the study day luminescence of molecular oxygen, as well as search for the night glow, caused by photochemical processes in the atmosphere of Mars.

Another Echelle spectrometer mid-infrared range needed to measure methane ratio of deuterium to hydrogen, search the small components of the atmosphere and aerosol studies of the Red Planet. The fourth device is a complex electronic unit for the collection of scientific information and communications with the spacecraft.

In addition, TGO mounted Russian neutron detector FREND (Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector), which includes dosimetry module. The developers of the complex – the Institute for Space Studies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences technology. The scientific head of the project -. Igor Mitrofanov, head of nuclear planetary IKI

The device is designed for the study of the global distribution of water ice in the upper layer of the Martian soil and radiation environment in orbit. The detector will continue studies initiated by Russian HEND on board the vehicle “Mars Odyssey” (Mars Odyssey, NASA) in 2001, but with a high spatial resolution.

The long road to the Red Planet

According to the calculations of ballistics, the first phase of the 2016 mission will take approximately seven months in order to arrive at Mars in mid-October. Three days prior to entry into the atmosphere of Mars descent module of Schiaparelli samoizvlechetsya orbiter Orbiter, and then begin to decline at the surface of the Red Planet. According to calculations, the speed of its entry into the Martian atmosphere will be about 21 thousand kilometers per hour. The slowdown will be due to deceleration in the atmosphere and subsequent ejection of the parachute, working in tandem with a system of rudder until landing on the planet’s surface.

Proton space rocket with the spacecraft mission ExoMars - 2016 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome

© Photo: Roscosmos

From the moment of separation to the landing module will keep in touch through the orbiter. ExoMars Orbiter will initially rotate in an elliptical orbit around Mars, and then, after passing through the atmosphere, will go into a circular orbit at an altitude of about 400 kilometers to study the gas composition of the planet.

The agreement on cooperation in the exploration of Mars and other bodies in the solar system robotic means between Roskosmos and the European Space Agency was signed on March 14, 2013. The agreement establishes Russia’s participation in ExoMars and implies further potential projects in the field of research of Jupiter and the moon.

agreement provides for the full participation of Russian scientists and engineers in all the international scientific and technical groups that are created within the ExoMars, as well as equal rights of Russian and European participants of the project on scientific data. Russia is involved in the removal of vehicles in space and in the scientific program of both phases of the project. In Russia, it will also be created by a combination of ESA ExoMars Ground scientific complex project for the reception and processing of scientific information.


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