The Russians made a huge breakthrough in the technology of “nuclear batteries”. . Now the world “is not the same bude»
New nuclear batteries can be used in a very wide range – from the spacecraft to kardioimplantov. This is reported by Russian specialists.
The specialists of the National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” (MISA, Moscow) have developed a new technology to create a “nuclear batteries” on the basis of the radioactive isotope nickel-63, which can be used in various fields – from medicine to space research, the press service of the university
properties-63 nickel makes it very convenient basis for miniature, safe and low-power of so-called beta-voltaicheskih batteries with a long service life (more than 50. years). They can be used in particular to create pacemakers and autonomous power sources with long life for powering satellites. Nickel-63 do not exist, so it is produced by irradiation of the isotope nickel-62 with neutrons in a nuclear reactor with further reprocessing and separation into gas centrifuges.
Group of scientists MISA under the direction of head of the department of materials science of semiconductors and dielectrics Professor Yuri Parkhomenko developed technology for creating energy converters beta-nickel-63 into electrical energy through piezoelectric single crystals for use in stand-alone beta voltaicheskih AC voltage batteries.
«The use of switching power supplies (they accumulate and give charge) allows to overcome the limitations caused by the small capacity of the beta voltaicheskih nuclear batteries “- said Parkhomenko, whose words are quoted in the report
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The <- - /> adman_adcode (middle)!> Russia has a project to build on the basis of nickel-63 current sources. It includes a number of organizations, led by the project company Rosatom “Mining and Chemical Combine” (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory). Earlier it was reported that the turn out of nickel-63 for this project is planned for the research reactor IRT-T Tomsk Polytechnic University. For the creation of industrial equipment for nickel enrichment of this isotope responds another company Rosatom -. Electrochemical Plant in Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory)
According to plans, the first prototype of the “nuclear batteries” in the framework of this project should be made in 2017 . by
Isotopes (from the ancient Greek ισος -. «equal”, “same”, and τόπος – «place») – species of atoms (and cores) of a chemical element that have the same atomic (sequence) number but different mass numbers. The name is associated with the fact that all isotopes of atoms are placed in the same position (one cell) of the periodic table. The chemical properties of the atom are dependent on the structure of the electron shell, which, in turn, is determined mainly by the charge Z nucleus (i.e., number of protons therein), and are almost independent of its mass number A (that is, total number Z of protons and neutrons N) . All isotopes of an element have the same nuclear charge, differing only in the number of neutrons. Typically, isotope is denoted by the symbol of the chemical element to which it belongs, with the addition of the top-left of the index, meaning the mass number (for example, 12C, 222Rn). You can also write the name of the element with the addition of hyphenated mass number (for example, carbon-12, radon-222). Some isotopes have their own traditional names (for example, deuterium, actinon)
An example of isotopes:. 168O, 178O, 188O – three stable oxygen isotope
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