Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What is the impact of the three series of volcanic eruptions had on the fate of Eurasia – BBC

An international team of scientists, with the participation of Russian researchers, Vladimir and Alexander Myglan Kirdyanova found another ice age that occurred in Europe and a half thousand years ago. Scientists believe that this was the cause of the beginning of the decline of the Byzantine Empire, the heyday of the Arab Caliphate and other global events in world history.

Antique Ice Age

Cooling (and, apparently, a rather sharp) It has been linked to three large volcanic eruptions, which occurred one after another in the 536, 540 and 547, respectively. Each of them at some time has given rise to “nuclear winter”: the winter, merged together, brought to Eurasia for years of extreme cold that lasted more than a century – approximately from 536 to 660 a year. By analogy with the Little Ice Age XIV-XIX centuries, the period of late antiquity was named small ice age

<-.! place 7919243, /> science / 2015/12 / 01_a_7919243.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

The fact that in those days, Europe was suffering from colds, scientists have suspected for a long time

However, neither the extent of the temperature of the cold period, nor its duration. or even causes cooling were not known to the researchers

The answer to the last question, or rather -. the first impetus to the search of an answer, given the Krasnoyarsk scientists – co-author Alexander Kirdyanov of the Institute of forest. VN Sukachev SB RAS and Professor Vladimir Myglan of Siberian Federal University. Their article, written with the cooperation with foreign colleagues, published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Geoscience. This work was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation №14-14-00295, dedicated to the study of the structure and composition of tree rings

«Until recently, did not understand the reason for cooling:. Whether it was a volcano, comet or still any the disaster – no one could say for sure – says Alexander Kirdyanov. – Just last year, one of the authors of the article in Nature Geoscience, published in the journal Nature reported their research ice core and that it is the first time precisely defined in these ice columns on the chemical composition of air, that all three events 536, 540 and 547 years – these were volcanoes. Another method that helps to reveal the history of climate on tree rings, dendrochronology, until recently too little is said about climate beginning of our era. Although the annual rings of woody plants are today one of the most reliable sources of high-definition speaker on climate change for the period of up to several thousand years,

Until recently, research in this area limited to a period of a thousand years, and only recently dendrochronology interests shifted to earlier times, up to two thousand years.

<-! place 7921199, /> science / 2015/11 / 28_a_7921199.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

Push the collaboration gave Vladimir Myglan, 36- year-old professor, doctor of historical sciences. Since 2007, every summer he goes to the Altai, looking for areas where the remains of the old trees. During this time he managed to create high-quality climate chronology edge for the period covering more than two thousand years. When he met her European colleagues, first had the idea to publish his research as a separate item, but the scientist, who later became the first author of the article – the Swiss Ulf Byuntgen, head dendrological group of the Swiss Research Institute of Forest Research, Snow and Landscape in Birmensdorf, man tireless energy and with a wide range of scientific contacts – was able to convince colleagues that one region, even if it is very important, for one article is not enough. Data on the migration of peoples in this region is very sparse and low reliability, and the chronology prepared Byuntgenom for its alpine research on these “three rings” old trees, largely coincide with the chronology Myglan – in the Alps, there is the same as that in the Altai. Therefore, as a result it was decided to base the study on a wide range of dendrochronological data. »

ruining people cold

For a person, even not too versed in the history of ancient times, very obvious connection between the cold snap and the fate of people: too much is said about it, too many of fate, since the sad fate of the Neanderthals, collapsed under the blows of the sudden cold. For a man well versed in the history, is obvious and the other truth:

climate may be the main cause of misery, migration, disease and end of the whole state, but also can be only one reasons, but far from the main

. <-! place 7954835, /> science / 2015/12 / 11_a_7954835.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->

And to solve this is not a complete system of equations with many unknowns, often based on an array of circumstantial evidence – not an easy task. However, it is for her and took the collaboration of the international project Past Global Changes (PAGES), rallied around Byuntgena. Professor Myglan greatly appreciated the collaboration of. “It is very interesting – he says. – It brought together people with different views, different approaches to the analysis, it would be very interesting to continue working with them ».

If the Little Ice Age are described in detail, about the time of late antiquity ice age is much less information. The enormous amount of work carried out by climate scientists, naturalists, historians and linguists in the common search for communication and global climate events in Eurasia middle of the first millennium, was the first comprehensive analysis of climatic events in Central Asia and Europe. The researchers are very cautious in his statements, the keyword of the article would have to be called the word “possible”, although there is almost never occur. Scientists have only noted the startling temporal coincidence of events that truly seething century with the advent of “Lalii» (LALIA – Late Antique Little Ice Age)

It was then, in the forties of the sixth century of our. AD, Byzantium attacked plague of Justinian – the first plague epidemic, registered in Europe, which killed two centuries about 30-50 million lives

<-.! place 7881743, /> science / 2015/11 / 09_a_7881743 .shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut4_link ->

Scientists emphasize that evidence of an association “Lalii” with the arrival of the plague “fire”, they do not have, but significant temporal coincidence, and perhaps, the disease that came as it is now known, from Asia, it was brought to one of the many mass migrations from Europe in it. Justinian plague scientists believe one reason for the ensuing weakening of the Byzantine Empire. The first reason they call bad harvests and famine. It coincides with this period and the flowering of Arab States. There, the researchers said, the rains that have brought good harvests, to ensure not only the prosperity of nations, but also eat camel cavalry, the main military transport Arabs in those days, which may explain their numerous military successes.

About Russia there is no information

The article is about these and other events in the cold century, they mostly relate to Europe, Asia, little – Mongolia and China, and do not relate to events in the territory of present-day Russia

<. p> «we have a problem, – said Vladimir Myglan. – In Russia almost nothing from written sources:

sources on the history of Siberia, mainly covering the last 300 years, and at an earlier period on the Siberian territory source base is very weak.

Now came the first big article with the normal details (yea-) climate reconstruction and evaluation of its impact is almost two thousand years. Now we have compared it with the global European processes, then, I hope, will be considered in more detail and local local processes, which may have also exerted influence climate ».


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