Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Today, representatives of small and medium businesses, met Vladimir Putin – the first channel

An informal association “Club of Leaders” presented its own vision – not just the usual range of problems for entrepreneurs.

An informal association “Club of Leaders” presented its own vision – not just the usual range of problems for entrepreneurs.

The club leaders was created exactly four years ago that the business climate has improved in the country. Each of the participants started their business from scratch, on the business problems knows firsthand. Now the union is almost 300 entrepreneurs from 40 regions. Their firms collectively employ more than one hundred thousand employees.

“It’s nice that you’re not only focused on the development of their own business, but also to participate in the development of various initiatives, including the so-called entrepreneurial initiative, which in fact and in practice, it is, I I hope, is already being felt, I was still the business climate in the country is gradually, but nevertheless such movements positive is, it can not fail to please, “- said the President

Ranking of countries favorable. for business development, is the World Bank. Russia – not in the lead, but in the last 4 years from a place in the second hundred rose nearly 70 products – despite the difficult situation in the economy. The crisis, as it is known, is also a time of opportunities. Examples proving it made today.

Alexey Bakulin: Building a unique huge plant, it will be the largest plant for the production of buses and chassis

Vladimir Putin:. The ruble helps?

Alexey Bakulin: doubled. Of course it helps. And it does not just work in the domestic market, and work for export. Now I have made a contract with the Gambia. I signed an agreement for the supply of buses to Iran.

A businessman from Volgograd told the President that the export potential of his company will continue to develop. As for work on the domestic market, there is bureaucratic obstacles prevented – for example, you can not even enter the Moscow market.

Alexey Bakulin: Here, take the free bus ready, Sergey Semenovich signed an order for two years I go after them. Already two volumes of formal replies, do not take, do not want to take, because it is a completely different competition

Vladimir Putin:. Let me remind Sergey Semenovich about the resolution and the need to bring its realization to its logical conclusion.

The relationship with government officials for entrepreneurs – a sore subject. Businessman Alexei Agafonov shared his experience in setting up an industrial park in the Moscow region.

Aleksey Agafonov: We have to plan, the project built a road, summed communications, gas, electricity. We got the right to land ownership. The audit initiated by the administration of the Moscow region in 2015, a letter was sent on a voluntary pre-trial order to return the land back to the rent

Vladimir Putin:. Naturally, summed gas, electricity, way. Why would you do that? Of course, it is just someone needed. Where the land-now

Aleksey Agafonov: Earth in Kolomna. Who we are, so to speak, the trial.

Vladimir Putin: Let’s write a note a little, I talk to Vorobiev, he is a man very modern, I do not know, there’s a lot of all the bureaucracy, of course, I think he will understand.

Removing unnecessary administrative barriers to business – support, sometimes tantamount to financial investments. To find out what other obstacles, “Leaders Club” launched the project – test purchases. Entrepreneurs in the role of undercover customers measure the performance of government agencies. As positive examples – quickly became formalized ownership, period of connection to the electricity grid companies declined. But the price of electricity is still so high that often threaten the very existence of the business.

Pauline Zlatkina: Now, with the opening of a new shop, we need additional power again and the price that we announced for the connection, almost comparable with all capital costs for production development. I would not like to ask for some grants, understand the situation in the country, but this barrier is really significant for us, and it would be easy to consult, what can be done in this situation.

Vladimir Putin: this is not a question, it is in fact the request, and the request of the law, I think, because we are constantly engaged in this problem, and ASI, by the way, in my opinion, also connects to the problem of connecting to the electricity grid, this problem is becoming less and smaller, but it is there. In general, the situation is such that it requires, of course, additional attention thereto. And we agreed that it must be much more transparent, this sphere of activity than it is today, and prices should decline, including connectivity.

I went today and we are on public-private partnership in the social sphere. Small and medium business is ready to participate in it. However, some regions have changed several times already approved a plan to build an object, or at times overstate the value of the project itself.

“In Murmansk training ice arena built for 180 million rubles, and Petersburg is trying to build the arena similar orientation for 300-400 million rubles. In our view, in order to avoid such paradoxes, it is necessary form the basis of model projects and mandatory use them in the implementation of public-private partnership projects in the social sphere “, -. said Anton Mamaev

” The issue has been discussed for a very long time, if not to say all the time. and these are the examples that you cite, I myself have repeatedly cited, and such an order for a long time the government has. Unfortunately, as in any other bureaucratic structure, the wheels revolve slowly enough, or too slow, but we are it will come back, but if any have any ideas as quickly push, they are superfluous will not be “, – said Vladimir Putin

Alexey Martynov -. the head of the pharmaceutical company told the President about the difficulties, he faced when he went to the market of medical implants. To compete with foreign producers was not easy, despite the fact that our products and cheaper – sometimes 5 times, and the quality is not inferior. Stir – gaps in the legislation.

Alexey Martynov: Of the 86% of foreign implants for more than 40% are not logged in Roszdravnadzor. Pretty hard to break into the Russian market in general all Russian producers due to the fact that there is no registration. They can dump and most importantly, this product is carried in suitcases. A lot is carried in suitcases

Vladimir Putin:. Must be in direct contact with Minekoromikoy, we will try to arrange this, we are in any case you can not create the deficit and at the same time it must be so adjust to the tightening of licensing proceeded in parallel with the growth of your ability to produce marketable products. The most important thing to us artificial scarcity is not created and the people not to create a problem, and I repeat, the growth of tightening the nut, so the correct nut exactly must match the growth of your possibilities.

They told businessmen Vladimir Putin and the idea of ​​the social support of veterans. Those that created the economic power of the country during the Soviet era. Offer unconditionally supported President.

“We have learned to remember and appreciate our fallen, we want to know about the labor heroes, the people who are with us all the time about people who built Magnitogorsk, and the people in the end, who built Now bam “, – said the businessman Serega Krivosheev

.” This is a great initiative, we, of course, we are especially in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war are many, and well spoken of war veterans, but you’re absolutely right, we have to and for veterans of labor in mind, because if, as you are a people who engage in business, you know that the economy is not – there is nothing, and defense will be. Therefore, on the basis of that was once built, built, launched in those years, in the pre-and after, during recovery, of course, the whole country is on this foundation. we should be proud of them and we are proud of them, but you need it to be materialized yet and in practice our actions “, – said the President

at the end of the meeting the president asked -. which can Russia now considered a national idea

?” we there can be no other unifying ideas except patriotism. It is a national idea. It is not ideologized, it is not connected with the activities of any party, it is connected with a common rallying point. If we want to live better, it is necessary that the country was more attractive for all citizens, more efficient – and the bureaucracy, and the state apparatus, and business, all need to be more effective. And as you said, we are working for the country, meaning by this not something amorphous like in Soviet times was davlёnka from the state, country first, and then who knows. Country – people. It is in this sense on the country. And another idea, we do not invent and do not need to invent. It is “- said the President

Many of the suggestions made at the meeting, according to the President, certainly not go unnoticed and after a detailed study, may become the specific instructions of the government.. .

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  • Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

    Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

  • Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

    Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with the club leaders

  • Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

    Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

  •  Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

    Vladimir Putin holds a meeting with representatives of the leaders Club

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