Wednesday, February 3, 2016 want to deprive domain – the-village

Rights holders want to deprive the domain is one of the largest Russian torrent trackers, already is under indefinite blocking. It is reported by “Izvestiya” newspaper with reference to the statement by the head of Leonid Agronova National Music Industry Federation.

criminal activity continues. Therefore, we move to the next step – Domain razdelegirovaniyu. We do not exclude and the prosecution resource owners

Leonid Agronov, head NFMI

according to NFMI, from 50 to 70% of users bypass the lock resource in Russia, so this measure to combat piracy can not be considered effective. Now lawyers organization representing Sony Music, Universal Music and Warner Music, decide how to most quickly achieve full closure of the site.

In ICANN’s, issuing permission to create domain names, they point out that the Russian authorities can not independently razdelegirovat domain or oblige anyone to do it, if there is no legitimate reason. In extreme cases, they can only notify the registrar of violations.

In the not afraid claims holders. According to the administration of the resource, it is registered in accordance with all the rules, so razdelegirovaniya domain there are no prerequisites.

The decision of the Moscow City Court on lifelong blocking Russia’s largest torrent tracker entered into force on 22 January. The court refused to take into account the user appeal of the need to maintain access to the resource, and the participants of the process have not appealed against the decision, so it was handed over for execution to Roskomnadzor. On January 25 they started blocking the site in Russian, but it is almost not affected his attendance. administration has responded to the lock, depriving holders the right to independently cover the distribution of pirated and announced a competition for the re-branding of the tracker. The users have proposed to come up with a new logo and slogan for the website. Submissions will be accepted until 17 February.

anti-piracy law adopted in Russia in 2013. First, it applies only to the video, but the May 1, 2015 entered into force on an extended version of the document. Now punish piracy of all types of content, with the exception of photographs. Rights holders may obtain temporary blocking of sites with pirated content before the filing of the claim in detail. Thus for repeated violations of the resource can be blocked forever. – not the first tracker, which came under the lock. The extreme measure already applied to 13 more sites.


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