Wednesday, February 3, 2016

By the Earth is approaching double Chelyabinsk meteorite – REGNUM

Washington, February 4, 2016, 07:20 – REGNUM To Earth from space depths of flying a small asteroid called double Chelyabinsk meteorite. As reported at the Laboratory of NASA’s Jet Propulsion, a heavenly body under the number 2013 TX68 closer to our planet at a distance of 17 thousand. Kilometers of March 5, 2016.

According to experts, the “cosmic guest” is about 30 meters diameter. If the asteroid will enter Earth’s atmosphere, the explosion will be approximately 2 times greater than that of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Scientists can not yet calculate the flight path of a celestial body, but suggest that the collision with the Earth is not expected.

Note that the asteroid 2013 TX68 was approaching Earth ago 2 years, but went at a distance of 2 million kilometers.

As reported previously IA REGNUM , February 15, 2013 in the sky over the Chelyabinsk region exploded meteorite. Shock waves were knocked out windows in buildings 4715, affecting more than 1.5 thousand people. The largest fragment of the celestial body fell in a resort area in the area of ​​the lake Chebarkul, where it picked up only eight months later, in late September. Weight fragment was more than 570 kg. Operation of search and recovery of space debris cost the guest area in the amount exceeded 1.5 million rubles.

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