Thursday, February 4, 2016

Astrophysicist about asteroid approach: there is a negative scenario – RIA Novosti

 Asteroid 2010 TK7 (center) pictured with the CFHT telescope

© C. Veillet / CFHT

The American jet Propulsion laboratory of NASA reported that the Earth approaching asteroid, like Chelyabinsk meteorite, for it now watch experts. Heavenly body has approached two years ago to our planet. Then it passed to the most comfortable for the inhabitants of the Earth distance of 2 million kilometers. The current trajectory of asteroid experts can not yet be calculated due to the small size of the object and its high relative velocity. According to NASA estimates, the most close to Earth asteroid will be held March 5, 2016.

Chief Researcher Lebedev Physical Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, astrophysicist Sergey Bogachev on Radio Sputnik explained, what is the main difficulty determine the distance of the asteroid flown from Earth

“I must say that on the space standards is a celestial body is considered to be small – 30 meters in diameter, and even NASA calls it.” small asteroid “Such a body due to the small size. found, unfortunately, only just near the Earth. This asteroid will approach within a month. As for him observation was only in recent times, there is great uncertainty in its orbit, in its path. The most comfortable it was for the earth to its passage at a distance of 500 thousand kilometers, this scenario assumes and the most negative outlook -. his passing at a distance of 11 thousand kilometers from the Earth, and it is also there “, – said Sergey Bogachev on radio Sputnik

However, in his words, the probability. the collision of an asteroid with the Earth is minimal

“Although the Earth seems a huge planet, but for space -. it is a small point, and it is still necessary to get there. The probability that an asteroid whose orbit billions of kilometers, will fall into this small point – is very small. Therefore, the vast majority of the celestial bodies flies past, representing interest only to amateur astronomers, but the threat can not be held. Situations of asteroids falling to Earth – it is a unique event. Chelyabinsk therefore remember that it is – rare. In this case, NASA considering all the uncertainties confidently said that no threat to the Earth. And in general, we need to understand that most of the Earth – it is the oceans, forests, deserts. And even in the fall to Earth asteroid hit probability in the large settlement almost negligible “, – noted astrophysicist



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