Monday, August 10, 2015

Not a drop by: robots at MIT are taught exactly human movements (VIDEO) –

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing a robot that copies the movement and reflexes of the person. Robot named Hermes, in particular, train gently pour liquid from a bottle into a glass without spilling past, to maintain balance under the influence of external forces, use tools, punching walls, as if it made people, the CNews .

According to graduate student Zhao Ramos, worked on a project as if they were “placed inside the human brain of the robot.” However, it is not about the creation of artificial intelligence, and a simple robot training – how to behave in different situations.

The Japanese taught the robot for human use its weight (VIDEO)

For this purpose was created an exoskeleton robot operator Hermes, equipped with mechanical arms, legs and sensors. Information from the sensor is supplied to the computer of the robot. On the manipulator frame placed buttons flexion and extension brushes, signals which also come into the computer. The computer, in turn, causes the robot to move in the same way as the person moves.

On the robot wearing a video camera that looks forward. The signal from it is fed to glasses worn by the operator. Hermes system captures and stores the previous event response operator. Thus, learning occurs. For example, the assistant operator pushes in the back, the operator is deflected back to balance. The robot learned this movement will also lean back to keep his balance.

The project participants note that today there are many humanoid robots, but they do not differ in accuracy, for example, can not fill the glass without spilling liquid . In the case of the robot Hermes promise to solve this problem.


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