As reported by the US space agency, NASA Director Charles Bolden has notified Congress about the need to extend the agreement with the Federal Space Agency of Russia. Management NASA feared that due to lack of funds for the construction of new US manned spacecraft, they will not be ready by 2017, as previously planned.
“Congress in recent years has continued to cut back on requests of US President on financing the program of creation manned spacecraft, NASA was forced to extend the existing contract with Roskosmos , provides for the delivery of US astronauts on the ISS, “- said Bolden.
He said that” the change of the contract cost US taxpayers about $ 490 million “, Tass reported. For how long will calculate a new contract in a letter to lawmakers not Bolden said.
It should be noted that the current agreement between the space agencies of the two countries in the amount of 458 million dollars will last until the end of 2017, and a new allow US astronauts to fly on the “alliance” to the ISS during the 2018 . Now one seat in the cockpit of the “Union” costs NASA about $ 76 million. Thus, the extension of the contract between NASA and the Russian Space Agency will allow US astronauts to make six more flights to Russian ships.
Experts believe that the decision of the US space agency to upgrade the agreement with the Russian Space Agency may be caused by the recent disaster of the American Falcon 9 rocket at start Dragon cargo ship to the International Space Station. The same vehicle will be used by a private company SpaceX startup of its manned spacecraft, developed on the basis of the truck. Accident questioned SpaceX plans to build and test the ship in 2017. At NASA also no certainty that this date will be placed second private American ship for the flight to the orbital complex. It is engaged in the creation of the company Boeing.
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