According to Business Insider, fans cosmic mysteries demanded by NASA to explain the strangeness found on one of the pictures from the surface of Mars. The researchers spotted her hiding in the rocks a giant crab . This image of the Martian surface at high magnification published a number of leading US media.
At this time, NASA had to answer even ufologists official. “A strange silhouette, in which many might see a giant crab – not that other, as rock with a high content of minerals, similar in composition to Earth quartz “, – stated in Space Agency.
However, the discussion of this topic in social networks does not abate. Ufology require that, NASA launched the rover Curiosity and send it to the place where the mysterious photograph was made. According to them, the picture clearly shows unusual formation, similar to desyatipalogo crab or, if fancy car parts.
However, as the expert explained the project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence SETI Seth Shostak, like photographs ” Friendly “on Mars it receives at least once a week. According to experts, in this case we are talking about pareidolia – visual illusion in which the human eye is wishful thinking. Unusual things people see on Mars for 40 years – since the first directed to the Red Planet device.
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