Friday, June 12, 2015

NASA scientists have discovered deposits on Mars glass –

The spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter American space agency NASA discovered on Mars huge glazed area of ​​ancient impact craters. According to scientists, this discovery will allow to know which was a planet in the past, and get answers to their entire international community question whether the ancient life on Mars, reports portal CNet .

Scientists explain that such deposits are formed by the glass falling to the planet of large celestial bodies. When faced with these releases massive amounts of energy, and the soil begins to melt. “The area where the glass is detected, can be targets of our future research,” – said the Head of NASA to study the planet Jim Green.

The data obtained by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, formed the basis of a scientific article that was published in a thematic journal Geology . “Prior to this research, and no one could suggest that Mars can be found such deposits of glass, which may be found traces of microorganisms, and the samples themselves will become an important source of data for the study of the nature of the world” – said the scientist, John Brown University Mustard and Kevin Cannon, who participated in the project.

Similar deposits of glass have been found previously in Argentina. Scientists have suggested that they were formed millions of years ago under the same circumstances, which could be on Mars. In 2014, a study conducted in Argentina showed that the deposits are organic molecules, and plant material, which is a sign of ancient life on Earth.

Last December, the rover NASA Curiosity found carbon-containing molecules in the samples taken from the ancient stone, the researchers reported on Tuesday. Also found particles of methane, which on Earth is connected with the activity of microorganisms.

John Grottsinger, head of the team of scientists working with Curiosity, during an Internet conference, said: “We have a major discovery. We found organics on Mars.”

 As explained by one of the researchers Chris Webster, a representative of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, detection of methane was a big surprise. A year ago, after eight months of study, the researchers report that the sensors Curiosity did not find methane in the atmosphere of the crater Gale, who explores the unit.

 Curiosity landed on Mars in August 2012. Shortly after planting, it was found that the planet were necessary chemicals and conditions for the emergence of bacterial life. Thus, the bulk of the mission was accomplished.

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